
July 31, 2011

Notes From the Gean - Changes

Dear Friends & Poets,

I’m very sorry to be in the position to have to tell you that I am no longer haiku editor for Notes From the Gean. I am informed that NFTG will continue or begin again on a new website, fully owned and directed by Colin Stewart Jones and his press, Gean Tree Press. Because the changes to NFTG entail a new webmaster as well as the replacement of other editors besides myself, I cannot predict when future issues of Notes From the Gean will be published online. Enquiries about future submissions to Notes From the Gean should be directed to Colin Stewart Jones at [email protected]

My gratitude and warm thanks for all of the fine haiku I’ve had the privilege to read and select for publication whilst I’ve been haiku editor at Notes For the Gean, and my sincere apologies any inconvenience caused.

Best wishes,

Lorin Ford, haiku editor,
"Notes From the Gean", issues 1 – 9 (June 2009 - June 2011)

July 26, 2011

NZPS 2011 Intenational Poetry Competition

Congratulations to HaikuOz Secretary, Greg Piko, for being awarded First Place in the New Zealand Poetry Society 2011 International Poetry Competition, Haiku Section. Greg is winner of the Jeanette Stace Memorial Award.

To those of you who were not so successful, your haiku still have another chance - the second copy of your work is currently with editor, Linzy Forbes, who is selecting work for publishing in the annual anthology. You may not submit your haiku elsewhere until 31st August.


Pamela A. Babusci
Moonbathing Issue 5 is now accepting submissions. I have additional copies of Moonbathing issues of 3 & 4. If you wish to purchase a copy(ies) please e-mail me.


Please e-mail with your regular submission one tanka on the theme of "moonbathing". The winner will receive a year's subscription. Moonbathing will publish two issues a year: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.

Moonbathing will feature only women poets. Send a maximum of 10 tanka per submission period. Submission deadlines: Fall/Winter: In-hand deadline: Dec. 15th fall/winter theme or non-seasonal only

Spring/Summer: In-hand Deadline: May 15th spring/summer themes or non-seasonal only

No previously published tanka or simultaneous submissions; no tanka that has been posted on-line on a personal website/blog.

Send your tanka IN THE BODY OF AN E-MAIL to: Pamela A. Babusci: moongate44(at)gmail(dot)com PLEASE NO ATTACHMENTS. E-mail submissions ONLY.

I hope that all tanka poets who have their work accepted will support Moonbathing by purchasing a copy or a subscription. If Moonbathing is to survive it will need your support and I will be most grateful for it.

Moonbathing does not assume liability for copyright infringement or failure to acknowledge previously published tanka.


Subscriptions: $12 for one year (two issues) U.S. and Canada; $6 for single issue. International: $16 (two issues) $8 single issue U.S. dollars; send US cash or international M.O.—payable to Pamela A. Babusci to: Moonbathing Editor 150 Milford Street Apt. 13 Rochester, NY 14615-1810 USA
The Editor of Moonbathing is looking forward to receiving your best tanka. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Pamela A. Babusci moongate44(at)gmail(dot)com

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela A. Babusci, Editor of Moonbathing

July 25, 2011

Red Dragonflies Meeting: 18th June 2011

The winter meeting of the Red Dragonflies was held on 18th June at Barbara Fisher’s home in Mosman. Vanessa Proctor led members Dawn Bruce, Cynthia Rowe, Lesley Walter and gracious host, Barbara Fisher, in a productive afternoon.

Bill Tibben, a guest at the meeting, was a wonderful addition to the group. Beverley George sent her apologies.

Vanessa gave each member a delightful booklet of haiku selected from poems written by members and inspired by the Red Dragonflies’ summer ginko at Pearl Beach, December 2010. Many thanks, Vanessa!

Dawn brought up the subject of photo haiku and it was suggested that we might discuss the basics of haiga at the next meeting.

Cynthia Rowe
President, HaikuOz

July 23, 2011


I would like to say how delighted I am to have been invited to assume the role of President, HaikuOz and look forward to working with Dawn Bruce, Greg Piko and other members of the Committee. The haiku community in Australia is flourishing. Talented work is constantly emerging from our local haijin, and members continue to impress with their success in competitions both in Australia and overseas. At HaikuOz we are committed to ensure that haiku in this country continues to make its mark. For information about haiku activities please visit the HaikuOz website at

Cynthia Rowe
President, HaikuOz

July 22, 2011

World Haiku Review – Call for Submissions

The next issue of World Haiku Review is planned for August 2011.

As for haiku poems in English or in English translation, send in by e-mail anything you like, traditional or non-traditional on any topic, free or formal style, kigo or muki, up to ten poems which have not been published or are not considered for publication elsewhere to:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Please use the font "Ariel", size 12 and present your haiku in the simplest and most straightforward format, all starting from the left margin, avoiding fanciful layout and formation. Please do not forget to write your country with your full name. Suggested themes: life, death and summer scene.

The only criterion for selection is quality. Please therefore send in your finest works as soon as you can. There is no set deadline but when enough number of good works are received we will announce that and the submission will be closed soon after that.

The British Haiku Awards 2011 – Call for Entries

The British Haiku Awards are an annual international competition, comprising two categories: haiku and haibun. Entries for the 2011 award can be submitted up until 31 January 2012. Further details are available at:

July 19, 2011

Jan Bostok

Sharon Dean advises that HaikuOz co-founder and patron, Janice M Bostok, is still confined to Murwillumbah District Hospital, but now has internet access. If you'd like to contact Jan directly, please write to:

[email protected]

July 17, 2011

Bindii Haiku Group – New Blog

Lynette Arden has just started a blog for the Bindii Haiku Group, called Haiku Bindii. The blog is only new but will provide a convenient way to keep up to date with the haiku happenings of the Adelaide based group. The blog can be found at:

July 11, 2011

25 Tanka Prose

Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka is pleased to announce ‘25 Tanka Prose’ edited and with an introduction by Bob Lucky.

Editor Bob Lucky is a well-known and highly regarded tanka poet who brings his unique view to the form. ‘25 Tanka Prose’, a substantial collection of prosimetrum, the art of combining poetry and prose, can be accessed online at

July 08, 2011

New President for HaikuOz

Jo McInerney has advised that, regretfully, she is not in a position to continue in her role as President of HaikuOz. Jo’s personal and family circumstances are such that she has had to step aside from her duties in recent times and, unfortunately, Jo has indicated that her situation is unlikely to change in the immediate future. The HaikuOz office bearers all wish Jo the very best for the future and would like to thank her for her past efforts as President of HaikuOz.

HaikuOz is in the fortunate position of having another capable and highly respected haiku poet who has agreed to take on the President’s role. Congratulations to Cynthia Rowe from Sydney who is the new President of HaikuOz.

Cynthia is a graduate of Melbourne University and has taught secondary and tertiary French and English in both Victoria and New South Wales. She has spent time in France and the French Territories and was awarded a Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française by the French Ministry of Education. She is a Writing Fellow of the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW.

Cynthia is a novelist, short story writer and poet whose work has been published in Australia and overseas. She has been broadcast on National Community Radio. Her play ‘Not the Vice-Chancellor’ was performed in the Sydney Short and Sweet Festival 2008. She is a member of Red Dragonflies haiku group which workshops Japanese genre poetry. She is Immediate Past President, Eastern Suburbs Region Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW and Editor, Haiku Xpressions.

Third Australian Haiku Anthology

Call for submissions

It is now five years since the publication of the Second Australian Haiku Anthology (2006). That followed the First Australian Haiku Anthology developed and published on line by John Bird and Janice Bostok in 1999 and subsequently published by paper wasp in 2003. Another edition of work by Australian haiku poets, now so well represented in contests and publications around the world, is timely. Thus, submissions for a third edition are invited from published haiku poets living in Australia or from Australian haiku poets resident overseas.

The deadline for submissions is: 30 September 2011

paper wasp editors/publishers
Katherine Samuelowicz, Jacqui Murray

Supported by AHS

Please submit:
1. a maximum of five, previously published, haiku
2. 12 pt typed
3. clearly marked with your name, postal address and email
4. include full publication details,
5. full details of any contest and/or award any haiku may have won and,
6. a brief personal biography

Email address for entries:
[email protected]

Postal address for entries:
paper wasp
14 Fig Tree Pocket Road
Chapel Hill
Qld 4069

The publishers hope the anthology will be available for Christmas 2011. The editors/publishers reserve the right to select entries on the basis of merit and space. No correspondence will be entered into.

July 07, 2011

Kaji Aso Studio’s International Haiku Contest 2011

Congratulations to Beverley George who won second prize in the Kaji Aso Studio’s 2011 haiku competition. The Kaji Aso Studio is located in Boston, USA, and offers experience in the visual arts, music, poetry, philosophy and Japanese culture. The competition results can be found at:

July 05, 2011

3rd Yamadera Bashō Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest

There was a strong Australian contribution to the contest this year as highlighted by Professor Oba in his report shown below. Hearty congratulations to Pamela Smith for winning the grand prize in the foreign country section and to Nathalie Buckland for her distinguished work prize. Their poems in English and Japanese can be seen at:;=241792

Noboru Ōba
Chair of the Board of Directors
Yamagata City Culture Foundation

This year marks the third Yamadera Bashō Memorial Museum English haiku contest. When we established this competition two years ago, it was with a mixture of hope and uncertainty, but we are pleased to note that this contest has attracted an increasing amount of attention and recognition with each passing year. 570 applicants submitted a total of 830 haiku to this year’s contest, surpassing last year’s total of 306 applicants and 462 haiku submissions. We are especially pleased at the large increase we saw in Division 3 submissions from high school students, which we see as a hopeful sign that our contest will continue to attract the interest of the younger generation. We were also happy to receive haiku submissions from a group of elementary school students in Kyoto, which we have included in a “special division” category. As we lacked a division for elementary school students in our submission guidelines, these works were not eligible for screening, but it is our great pleasure to be able to present these excellent haiku which serve as an example of the very high potential elementary school students have for haiku composition. We also received submissions from 47 applicants in foreign countries, 21 of whom were from Australia. I believe that we owe a debt of gratitude to the network of the Australian haiku poet Beverley George, who visited our Bashō Memorial Museum with her haiku companions last December, and I look forward to the continued growth and activity of the Australian Haiku Society. With regards to the Division 1 category, we were disappointed that we continue to receive no submissions from college students, and we also noted a decrease in submissions from our neighboring prefecture of Miyagi. We believe that this may be a result of the recent earthquake, and we mourn the people who died during this tragedy, and pray for the recovery of the injured and the revival of the stricken areas.

In the hopes of raising interest in English haiku and to express our appreciation to all who take part in our contest, we until now distributed this anthology of haiku submissions to all contest participants. However, the significant increase in haiku submissions we received this year resulted in a considerably longer anthology, forcing us to make a change in this policy. In addition to downsizing the anthology, we will also be sending participating junior high and high schools a limited number of copies. We ask for your understanding in this matter.

In the haiku judging process, we naturally excluded applicant names and other personal data to ensure that the judging was free from bias, and to allow us to focus our attention on the works themselves. In each division, we selected one Grand Prize winner and two Distinguished Work recipients (the names of these prizes have been altered somewhat from the names given in our submission guidelines). All of the prizewinning works were succinct and effective, with a content that strongly appealed to the heart of the reader. In addition to these prizewinning haiku, the works we received from the other foreign applicants were also concice and elegant, and I believe they can serve as a model of English haiku composition for all of us. I encourage all Japanese people interested in composing English haiku, particularly those at the beginning stages, to look carefully at these works.

Finally, I would like to conclude this foreword by thanking all the members of this year’s judging panel. I would like to express my great appreciation to Head Judge Takehisa Iijima, Professor Emeritus of Yamagata University, who led our judging panel with sound judgment and enthusiasm, as well as to Justin Orasky, Yamagata City International Exchange Society CIR, and, last but not least, Lisa Somers, translator and part-time employee of the Yamagata City Cultural Foundation.

Report on meeting of Bindii group: 2 JULY 2011

Workshopping of members’ work: Each member shared Renku and haiku and also requested suggestions and improvements from other members.

Present: Lyn Arden, Margaret Fensom, Lee Bentley, Lesley Charlesworth, Judith Ahmed and Judith’s daughter.

Apologies: Dawn Colsey, Jill Gower, Helen Pryor, Marilyn Linn, Alex Ask, Maeve Archibald, Athena Zaknic, Margaret Rawlinson, Julia Wakefield, Belinda Broughton,

Anthology: Final date for submission is Saturday 6 August. Both published and unpublished work will be considered. Please include any details of prior publication. We are looking for any Japanese genre poetry including haibun, haiku, tanka, tan renga, senryu, Renku, sequences of haiku and tanka and visual work incorporating haiku and tanka.

Accompanying visual work to complement a haiku or tanka sequence or a haibun would also be welcome, but not necessary. All images except cover images must be suitable for black and white (grayscale) printing. Please submit images in JPEG of 300 resolution for printing.
Submit by email to [email protected] Please submit in a Word Document format if possible. We are keen to publish a variety of work. The anthology may be 60 A4 pages long if we have enough quality material.

Some people may wish to collaborate in written and visual material e.g. for a haiga. The authors will then be credited separately.

Homework topics have been set to stimulate work: 2 themes (winter, emptiness)
6 August: Part of the meeting will be a kukai. Please bring three of your own haiku. For those who haven’t participated in a kukai, the idea is to make the haiku anonymous by copying and then each member selects his/her favourite three to read out.

Activities for the other part of the meeting might include a walk outside for a short while (weather permitting) to write and make notes and also workshopping at members’ request of other haiku/tanka/Renku etc.

Minutes taken by Lyn Arden 2 July 2011
Contact Bindii: [email protected] Visitors interested in haiku and other Japanese poetry genres are welcome at our meetings.
Meetings are held in The Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide. From 10.30 am to 1pm.

July 02, 2011

Cloudcatchers’ Ginko No.22 (winter)

A dozen Cloudcatchers wore their scarves and woolly hats to the winter ginko at Torakina Park, Brunswick Heads, on Thursday 30 June 2011. This is our favourite site, at the mouth of the Brunswick River, and although it was the tenth time we have held a ginko here, it was our first in winter.

The sky was overcast, and choppy white water rollicked across the treacherous bar. There was a quietness about the beach. The bittou bush, usually buzzing with life, was bee-less. The wattle buds still bulged green. And then the sun came out. The river was spangled once more, and the basalt breakwater sparkled with crystals. An occasional bather braved the chilly water, turning open-armed to the sun, and a single head swam across the bay. Birds in the littoral forest were as noisy as ever, as we read our first drafts in turn around the table. In contrast to the meditative silence of the ginko, this is always a time for involvement and laughter. And then came lunch. Any poet wishing to partake of these delights would be welcomed to join us at the Spring ginko in October.

Contact: [email protected].