
World Haiku Review – Call for Submissions

The next issue of World Haiku Review is planned for August 2011.

As for haiku poems in English or in English translation, send in by e-mail anything you like, traditional or non-traditional on any topic, free or formal style, kigo or muki, up to ten poems which have not been published or are not considered for publication elsewhere to:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Please use the font "Ariel", size 12 and present your haiku in the simplest and most straightforward format, all starting from the left margin, avoiding fanciful layout and formation. Please do not forget to write your country with your full name. Suggested themes: life, death and summer scene.

The only criterion for selection is quality. Please therefore send in your finest works as soon as you can. There is no set deadline but when enough number of good works are received we will announce that and the submission will be closed soon after that.