
March 01, 2016

Call for submissions: ‘Moonbathing’ - A Journal of Women’s Tanka

‘Moonbathing’ Issue 14 is now accepting submissions.

‘Moonbathing’ will publish two issues a year: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.

Submission guidelines:

‘Moonbathing’ will feature only women poets.

Send a minimum of 5 tanka & a maximum of 10 tanka per submission period.

‘Moonbathing’ does not publish tanka sequences or tanka prose/ taiga.

Please use Arial font/or a similar front, 12 pt size, single spaced (not double); also put your full name beneath each tanka & your state abbreviation or country abbreviation.

Send your tanka in the body of an email to:

Pamela A. Babusci (editor) [email protected]

No attachments: make submissions in the body of emails only please.

No previously published tanka or simultaneous submissions; no tanka that has been posted on-line, on Facebook/Twitter or on a personal website/blog.

Submission deadlines:

Spring/Summer: in-hand deadline – May 15th (spring/summer themes or non-seasonal only).

Continue reading "Call for submissions: ‘Moonbathing’ - A Journal of Women’s Tanka" »

December 31, 2015

“Eucalypt” Issue 19, 2015 – Appraisals

From every issue of “Eucalypt: a tanka journal,” edited by Beverley George, two poems are peer-selected for appraisal.

Congratulations to Jenny Ward Angyal and Sonam Chhoki, whose tanka were chosen for appraisal by Patricia Prime and Anne Curran.

You can read about them here:

While visiting the site, you may also wish to read a wide selection of tanka appraisals at:

A regular feature of the full-day Bowerbird workshops, convened twice a year, is a presentation by each of three delegates of a tanka by a poet whom the presenter has never met. The appraisals are lively and varied.

October 10, 2015

8th International Tanka Festival – Karuizawa, Japan: June,2016

The Japan Tanka Poets’ Society is pleased to announce its 8th meeting, to be held on 5-6 June, 2016, at Karuizawa in Japan.

The ITF 2016 Karuizawa Competition for tanka writing will be directly linked to this meeting. (Please see below for entry details).

Times and Dates: Sunday, 5 June, 2016 (12:30p.m.-17:00 p.m.)

Reception: Sunday, 5 June (17:30 p.m. – 19:00 p.m.)

One day trip in Karuizawa: Monday, 6 June, 2016

Other features of the meeting: Speeches; poetry readings; award ceremony for prize-winning poems from the ITF 2016 Karuizawa tanka writing competition.

Meeting place: Grand XIV Karuizawa

Address: Karuizawa-machi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Telephone: 0267-46-3331

Continue reading "8th International Tanka Festival – Karuizawa, Japan: June,2016" »

May 09, 2015

Arabic translation of tanka

Eight tanka by Australian poet Beverley George, translated into Arabic by Ali Znaidi, have been published in the electronic Arabic cultural newspaper, "Qaba Qaosayn", accessible through this link:

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February 08, 2015

Results of the 5th Kokako International Tanka Competition

The following poem is the winner of the 5th Kokako Tanka Competition in New Zealand:

1st Prize

hush at the pond
where you spent many days
your loneliness is still there
among the weeping willows

D.V. Rozic, Croatia

Continue reading "Results of the 5th Kokako International Tanka Competition" »

November 06, 2014

One Man’s Maple Moon: 66 Selected English-Chinese Bilingual Tanka, Volume One 2014

“A tanka is snowflakes drifting through the ink dark moon” – Chen-ou Liu

Australian tanka poets included in this new online anthology include: Beverley George, Amelia Fielden, Marilyn Humbert, Keitha Keyes and Merle Connolly.

"One Man’s Maple Moon" can be accessed through this link:

Beverley George, New South Wales

Continue reading "One Man’s Maple Moon: 66 Selected English-Chinese Bilingual Tanka, Volume One 2014" »

September 02, 2014

5th Kokako Tanka Competition

Closing date: 31st October 2014

First Prize: NZ$200

Second and Third prizes: NZ$50 each

Judge: Owen Bullock

Continue reading "5th Kokako Tanka Competition" »

June 30, 2014

2014 British Tanka Anthology Competition

The British Haiku Society is running a Tanka competition, the aim of which is to produce an anthology of the best of the entries along with first, second and third prize.

The judges are Ron Woollard and Beverley George. Entries are open (postal or e-mail) until 31st October 2014. Full details of the competition are available on the British Haiku Society website:

March 10, 2014

The 5th Kokako Tanka Competition

Entries for the 5th Kokako Tanka Competition close on 31st October 2014. Further details on conditions of entry for this competition are shown below.

Continue reading "The 5th Kokako Tanka Competition" »

November 16, 2012

Results of 4th Kokako Tanka Competition

Patricia Prime has advised the results of this year’s Kokako Tanka Competition which was judged by Tony Beyer:

Continue reading "Results of 4th Kokako Tanka Competition" »

June 28, 2012


Please note a change in Issue 7's deadline & my change of address

Pamela A. Babusci

Moonbathing Issue 7 is now accepting submissions. I have additional copies
of Moonbathing issue 5 & issue 6. If you wish to purchase a copy(ies) please e-mail me.

Moonbathing Issue 7 has the Annual Moonbathing Contest
Please send one tanka on the theme of: "moonbathing" however you interpret it with your regular submission- Please label the contest tanka. The winner will receive a year's subscription to Moonbathing.


April 25, 2012

The 4th Kokako Tanka Competition

Entries for the 4th Kokako Tanka Competition are open until 31 October 2012. First Prize is NZ$200, with Second and Third Prizes of NZ$50 each. The Judge is Tony Beyer.

Continue reading "The 4th Kokako Tanka Competition" »

September 14, 2011

Snipe Rising From a Marsh – Birds in Tanka

SNIPE RISING FROM A MARSH – BIRDS IN TANKA: An Atlas Poetica Special Feature

Call for submissions:

Tanka poets are invited to submit to a new Atlas Poetica Special Feature, Snipe Rising From a Marsh – Birds in Tanka. (This title is taken from a poem by the Twelfth Century Japanese master Saigyo.)

Tanka on offer should place a particular species of bird in a specific location or physical setting. The bird featured could share permanent residence of such a place with the writer; it may have been encountered on the poet’s travels; the bird might be migratory itself.

A place name must be attached to every tanka submitted, as well as a biological name for each species featured – given in Latin – along with a common name widely used in the identification of such a bird.

The due date for submissions will be December 12, 2011.

Continue reading "Snipe Rising From a Marsh – Birds in Tanka" »

July 11, 2011

25 Tanka Prose

Atlas Poetica: A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka is pleased to announce ‘25 Tanka Prose’ edited and with an introduction by Bob Lucky.

Editor Bob Lucky is a well-known and highly regarded tanka poet who brings his unique view to the form. ‘25 Tanka Prose’, a substantial collection of prosimetrum, the art of combining poetry and prose, can be accessed online at

January 21, 2011

Moonbathing: A Journal of Women’s Tanka

Moonbathing Issue 4 is now accepting submissions. I have additional copies of Moonbathing issue 3, hot off the press. If you wish to purchase a copy(ies), please see information below.

Moonbathing will publish two issues a year: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.

Moonbathing will feature only women poets.
Send a maximum of 10 tanka per submission period.
Submission deadlines:
Spring/Summer: In-hand Deadline: May 15th spring/summer themes or non-seasonal only
No previously published tanka or simultaneous submissions; no tanka that has been posted on-line on a personal website/blog.

Send your tanka IN THE BODY OF AN E-MAIL to: Pamela A. Babusci: moongate44(at)gmail(dot)com PLEASE NO ATTACHMENTS. E-mail submissions ONLY.

I hope that all tanka poets who have their work accepted will support Moonbathing by purchasing a copy or a subscription. If Moonbathing is to survive it will need your support and I will be most grateful for it.

Moonbathing does not assume liability for copyright infringement or failure to acknowledge previously published tanka.

Subscriptions: $10 for one year (two issues) U.S. and Canada; $5 for single issue. International: $14 (two issues) $7 single issue U.S. dollars; send US cash or international M.O.—payable to

Pamela A. Babusci to: Moonbathing Editor
150 Milford Street Apt. 13 14615-1810 USA

The Editor of Moonbathing is looking forward to receiving your best tanka. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Pamela A. Babusci moongate44(at)gmail(dot)com

Respectfully submitted,
Pamela A. Babusci,
Editor of Moonbathing

March 08, 2010

The 3rd Kokako Tanka Competition

Closing date: 31st October 2010

First Prize

Second and Third Place prizes of NZ$50 each

Judge: Richard von Sturmer

Send entries to:

The Kokako Tanka Competition,
Patricia Prime, co-editor
42 Flanshaw Road
Te Atatu South
Auckland 8
New Zealand

Please make cheques out to Kokako
Overseas entrants may send cash at their own risk

Continue reading "The 3rd Kokako Tanka Competition" »

January 16, 2010

Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose #2 - Winter 2009 published

MET Press is pleased to announce the publication of the second issue of the
biannual journal, *Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose*, edited by Jeffrey Woodward.
*MH&TP; 2* has been published in print, in PDF ebook, and in an online
digital edition. This Summer 2009 issue is 180 pages in a trade paperback.
ISSN 1947-606X.

*Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose* has established itself as the first and only
periodical devoted exclusively to these two mixed prose-and-verse genres.
Haibun and tanka prose belong to the ancient and venerable tradition of
Japanese poetry and belles-lettres.

Continue reading "Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose #2 - Winter 2009 published" »

November 21, 2009

Two recent international conferences -haiku and tanka

Please visit the Society of Women Writers NSW Inc website

to find reports of the recent 4th Haiku Pacific Rim Conference Terrigal Sept 22-25 2009
and the 6th International Tanka Festival Tokyo October 10-12 2009

Access is through the easy to use menu on the left hand side. Just look under poetry events and then click first on haiku and then on tanka. Both these articles, the former with more photographs than shown here, will appear in the Society's bimonthly newsletter "Images" edited by Dita Diamante. Please take time to read the about section of the Society which has been helping women writers since 1925.

A reminder you can also visit the haiku pages of the New Zealand Poetry Society for more details of 4HPR posted by Sandra Simpson.

November 02, 2009




*Pamela A. Babusci & Cathy Drinkwater Better*

*Published by Black Cat Press*

Founding Editors Pamela A. Babusci and Cathy Drinkwater Better, and Black Cat Press, are proud to announce the first all women's tanka journal: *Moonbathing*.

*Moonbathing* will publish two issues a year: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. The journal will be small in size but huge in the quality of the tanka that is accepted and published.

Continue reading "Moonbathing" »

July 02, 2009

Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose - Winter 2009 Call for Submissions

*Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose*

*Issue 2. Winter 2009*

You are invited to submit haibun and tanka prose for the Winter 2009 issue of *Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose*. The submission deadline is September 30, 2009. Submissions will NOT close earlier than the deadline.

*Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose* is a biannual journal--a print literary journal, a PDF ebook, and a digital online magazine--dedicated to the publication and promotion of fine English haibun and tanka prose. We seek traditional and innovative haibun and tanka prose of high quality and desire to assimilate the best of these Japanese genres into a continuously evolving English tradition. In addition to haibun and tanka prose, we publish articles, essays, book reviews and interviews pertinent to these same genres.

Continue reading "Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose - Winter 2009 Call for Submissions" »

June 10, 2009

The Saigyo Awards for Tanka 2009

Deadline: In hand August 1, 2009

Prizes: $100; $50; $25. Honorable Mentions. Winners living outside the US will receive subscriptions to tanka journals in place of cash prizes.

Eligibility: Open to everyone.

Entry Fee: None.

Rules: All tanka must be the entrant's original, unpublished work, and not under consideration by any publication or other contest.

Submissions: Up to 10 tanka in English, typed (or printed legibly) on one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Submit 2 copies. Provide name, address and pen name, if you use one, in upper left corner of one copy only.

Correspondence: Send #10 (4 1/8 x 9 1/2) SASE (outside US, SAE and 1 IRC) for notification of results. No entries will be returned.

Mail entries to: Carolyn Thomas, 7866 Hogan Circle, Hemet, CA 92545 USA.

January 27, 2009

The 2nd Kokako International Tanka Competition


First Place

by a magpie’s
ochre eye
noticing everything
this first day of spring

Carolyn Eldridge-Alfonzetti (Aus)

Runners Up

your horse up
when mine is down
on our carousel –
puppets of a tired tune
we circle without touching

Beverley George (Aus)

pohutukawa filaments
in the folds of our map –
crimson needles
pointing to
the magnetic north

Richard von Sturmer (NZ)

Continue reading "The 2nd Kokako International Tanka Competition" »

January 20, 2009


Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose, Issue 1. Summer 2009

You are invited to submit haibun and tanka prose for the Summer 2009 premiere issue of Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose. The submission deadline is March 31, 2009. Submissions will NOT close earlier than the deadline.

Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose is a biannual journal-a print literary journal, a PDF ebook, and a digital online magazine-dedicated to the publication and promotion of fine English haibun and tanka prose. We
seek traditional and innovative haibun and tanka prose of high quality and desire to assimilate the best of these Japanese genres into a continuously evolving English tradition. In addition to haibun and tanka prose, we publish articles, essays, book reviews and interviews pertinent to these same genres.

Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose specializes in fine haibun and tanka prose. All selection decisions will be made at the sole discretion of the editor.