
Call for submissions: ‘Moonbathing’ - A Journal of Women’s Tanka

‘Moonbathing’ Issue 14 is now accepting submissions.

‘Moonbathing’ will publish two issues a year: Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.

Submission guidelines:

‘Moonbathing’ will feature only women poets.

Send a minimum of 5 tanka & a maximum of 10 tanka per submission period.

‘Moonbathing’ does not publish tanka sequences or tanka prose/ taiga.

Please use Arial font/or a similar front, 12 pt size, single spaced (not double); also put your full name beneath each tanka & your state abbreviation or country abbreviation.

Send your tanka in the body of an email to:

Pamela A. Babusci (editor) [email protected]

No attachments: make submissions in the body of emails only please.

No previously published tanka or simultaneous submissions; no tanka that has been posted on-line, on Facebook/Twitter or on a personal website/blog.

Submission deadlines:

Spring/Summer: in-hand deadline – May 15th (spring/summer themes or non-seasonal only).

Autumn/Winter: in-hand deadline – Nov. 15th (autumn/winter theme or non-seasonal only).

This issue Spring/ Summer theme only or non-seasonal.

Deadline: May 15, 2016

'Moonbathing' does not assume liability for copyright infringement or failure to acknowledge previously published tanka.

Copies/ subscriptions:

Note: Paypal is now open to all poets, but add $2 extra in addition to the yearly subscription to cover PP fees, to:

Pamela Babusci [email protected] - US funds only.


$12 for one year (two issues) U.S. and Canada; $6 for single issue. International: $16 (two issues); $8 single issue U.S. dollars, US checks; send US cash or international M.O.—payable to Pamela A. Babusci.

Mail to :

Pamela A. Babusci
Editor of ‘Moonbathing’
244 Susan Lane Apt. B
Rochester NY 14616

The editor of ‘Moonbathing’ is looking forward to receiving your best tanka.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail Pamela A. Babusci – [email protected]

Pamela A. Babusci
Editor of ‘Moonbathing’