Hobart ginko
For details about the recent ginko in St David's Park in Hobart please click on the following link:
For details about the recent ginko in St David's Park in Hobart please click on the following link:
Fullers’ Cafe Poet, Lyn Reeves, will hold a series of haiku workshops at Fullers Bookshop in Hobart.
10.00am – 11.30am, Saturdays 17th August - 14th September.
Images from the haiga exhibition Breathmarks - a collaboration between Pardalote Press and the printmakers of Hunter Island Press - are now online at
Lyn Reeves has a number of her haiku featured in a new exhibition of paintings by Desiree Fitzgibbon. Codex - opens at Handmark Gallery, Salamanca Place, Hobart on 23 April and runs until 19 May. Lyn will read her haiku at the opening.
The Haiku Journey - A joyful life-long practice of mindfulness and attention,with Ron Moss
Learn the ancient Japanese art of writing haiku, then walk in the tranquil surrounds of the Botanical Gardens to develop your inspiration. Conclude with a stunning slideshow presentation of haiga, haiku blended with artwork. This workshop is suitable for people new to writing as well as experienced writers.
The morning will cover a brief history of haiku; the question of syllables; what is the form of modern haiku (what makes it a haiku); techniques for writing and revision. The afternoon will feature a Ginko Walk, a quiet personal walk with the opportunity to write; time to workshop our haiku and share them if you choose; other forms, haibun, renku – the way of collaborative writing; haiga (haiku and art) with a slideshow presentation; publishing opportunities and the global haiku community; haiku as a life-long path of mindfulness and attention.
When: Saturday 1 May, 10.30am - 4.30pm
Cost: $48 members, $88 non-members
Venue: Training room, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, Hobart.
Bookings: [email protected]
Kindling the Spark: A Journey into Tanka, with Jenny Barnard
Take time out to feel the essence of beauty and mystery as expressed In a simple five line poem, the tanka. The tanka extends the haiku, using its keenness of sensory perception but with an additional emotive or personal layer. We will explore this beautiful form, its conciseness and musicality. Learn how to write a tanka, using modern language or colloquialisms, to evoke a moment or a memory. This workshop is suitable for people new to writing as well as experienced writers.
When: Saturday 29 May. 1pm – 4pm
Cost: $33 members, $65 non-members
Venue: Legacy House, 159 Macquarie Street Hobart.
Bookings: [email protected]
Tasmanian publisher, Pardalote Press, recently released a new collection of translations of ancient Chinese poetry by Ian Johnston. Waiting for the Owl is reviewed by Barry Hill in the May issue of Australian Book Review.
Publications section:
Haiku submissions for the June issue of Famous Reporter have closed. Submissions for the December issue can be sent to guest editor Janice Bostok at
[email protected] before 30 September, 2010.
Saturday the 18th July, 3pm-6pm.
Tea and Haiku at Chado The Way of Tea 134 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.
Enjoy an afternoon of Haiku poetry with a tea theme by Lyn Reeves, Ron Moss, Jenny Barnard, Annaxue Yang, Robyn Mathison, Jill Cartwright, Lorraine Haig and Ross Coward. Anne Collins will read excerpts from the book Baisao The Old Tea Seller by Norman Waddell. The cost is $15 per person which includes tea and a specialty sweet. Please note the reading will take place in the first floor room of the teahouse which is accessible only by stairs. Bookings essential. Ring Chado on 62316411.
Interview with Lyn Reeves on ABC 7ZR
In her afternoon program Siobhan Maiden interviewed Lyn Reeves who read some haiku and talked about how to write them. Siobhan wanted to encourage listeners to text a haiku to their lovers this Valentine’s day. She suggested that haiku would be a wonderful way for people to express their responses to the Victorian bushfires.
Read the full interview here:
Ron Moss has recently had a haibun published in frogpond. Please check out the link below to read his poem.
I would like to announce that the winter edition of Simply Haiku is now online.
In this issue I was invited to be a guest editor in the haiga section. I would like to draw your attention to the work of Ross Coward of Hobart, and his first attempt at haiga, using his own haiku and images that he took on a recent trip in Tasmania.
Please enjoy at your leisure, what is a wonderful issue and well done to all concerned.
Ron Moss, Regional Representative for Tasmania
The poets of Watersmeet and printmakers from Hunter Island Press collaborate to create a display of breathtaking haiga – a combination of haiku and imagery that captures a moment of being in words and art. Tiny poems on postcard-size prints.
Monday 11th – Saturday 23 August
Rosny Library Foyer, Bligh Street, Rosny Park.
News just to hand of the Go Graphic exhibition which will feature manga by Madeleine Rosca and also haiku and haibun by Ron Moss.
It starts on July 30 and we hope to have a report about it very soon.
Haiku workshops with Jodie Hawthorne
During Tasmanian Living Writers Week, Jodie will be giving two haiku workshops and exhibiting her haiga.
Zen Zone-a Haiga exhibition 15th-24th August
Opening Night of exhibit: 6.30-8.30pm @ Entally Estate, Hadspen
Workshop Dates:
11am Wednesday 20th August
11am Saturday 23rd August
@ Entally Estate, Hadspen
Jodie’s haiku from Tibet are published in’ Watching Pilgrims Watching Me’ and were featured on the recent Haiku in Australia program on Poetica. It is available from http://www.pardalote.com.au
For information: [email protected]
Jodie will also be performing ten chocolate haiku at the Latrobe Chocolate Winterfest on Sunday 8th July.
posted by Dawn Bruce
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of attending a book launch at the Hobart Bookshop of the ink brushed distance by Lyn Reeves, vice-president of the Australian Haiku Society, manager/owner of Pardalote Press www.pardalote.com.au and haiku editor for Famous Reporter. In this book, which features a cover design by Ron Moss, haiku are interspersed with free verse to pleasing effect. The book is published by Walleah Press PO Box 368 North Hobart Tasmania 7002.
I was also delighted to be guest of honour at an enjoyable lunch, hosted by Lyn and Andrew Reeves and to meet haiku poets from the talented Watersmeet Haiku Group, with whom I have corresponded for years, through Yellow Moon and Eucalypt.
Extended meanderings through the amazingly beautiful Botanical Gardens and the lively Salamanca Markets, together the near presence of ocean and mountains, made it obvious why these haiku poets never run out of inspiration.
Beverley George
Text, images and audio for your enjoyment.
A celebration of debut works at Eltham Bookshop, 970 Main Rd, Eltham.
Each session will begin with a haiku by Jodie Hawthorne, author of Watching Pilgrims Watching Me: haiku from Shangri-la.
There is a review of Jodie’s book in the latest issue of Famous Reporter. It can be read online at:
Also in Famous Reporter #35:
Haiku by Ron Moss, Rodney Williams, Martina Taeker, Andrew Reeves, Ross Bolleter, Janet Howie, Quendryth Young, Jo McInerney, Bob Jones, Mark Prendergast, Nathalie Buckland, Marina Scott, Maureen Sexton, Lorin Ford, Patricia Prime, Judith E.P. Johnson, Carla Sari and Max Ryan
Recently I was speaking to Jim Kacian of the USA a very fine poet and publisher of Red Moon Press. We first met several years ago when he spoke at our haiku group in Hobart and we have stayed in contact over the years. Earlier this year Watersmeet moved to a new venue and I asked Jim to be our virtual guest and he obliged us with a wonderful talk and inspiring haiku....
Ron Moss
Greetings from the winter of Virginia:
Ron was kind enough to invite me to say a word or two and contribute a couple poems to celebrate the new venue of Watersmeet. Let me begin by saying yours is the most poetic name in the world of haiku--nicely chosen.
It seems like quite a long time ago that I met with the dozen or so poets in the Botanical Gardens in Hobart. The scene I met there was the same as what I encountered throughout that trip around the world--poets, some experienced, most not, who were all relatively new to haiku and were using the opportunity not only to learn more about it, but to create community through it as well. There was an eagerness to the proceedings that we were unlikely to regain again. Now, a half-dozen years along the way, perhaps we have attained something else--a maturity, and undoubtedly a good deal more knowledge of what haiku is and can be. The challenge of haiku for us remains what it always has been--one of finding a way of being with it which permits us the use of our increased knowledge without sacrificing that eagerness, that newness.
Continue reading "Jim Kacian a virtual guest at Watersmeet" »
1st May 7 – 9 pm Haiku - Writing Workshop with LYN REEVES
An introduction to haiku
Rosny Library Meeting Room, Bligh Street, Rosny Park, Hobart – near Service Tasmania.
Haiku are tiny poems that were first written hundreds of years ago. People from all over the world are discovering the pleasure of these condensed capsules of poetic insight, so that Haiku-in-English has become the fastest-growing literary genre. Today's haiku have their beginnings in ancient Japan, but today's poets use haiku to express the uniqueness of everyday experience and the environment they live in. A haiku captures a moment in time and shares that experience with a reader. The skills developed by writing haiku can make all types of writing more vivid and immediate.
Lyn Reeves is the haiku editor for the Tasmanian literary journal Famous Reporter. As representative editor for the Australian Haiku Society she has selected Australian content for the Canadian-based ezine above ground testing and for the World Haiku Association's website. She also served as secretary for Australia's haiku association, HaikuOz and is currently its vice-president.
All welcome. There will be a $3 charge to cover venue hire and supper. Enquiries 6248 8496 or 6248 8726
And the congratulations keep coming... Haiku Oz would like to congratulate Peter Macrow for his recent success in the Rain Haiku competition.
Peter's haiku:
for spring rain to stop
I clean the shower
has been selected to be published in a forthcoming anthology of the winning entries.
Famous Reporter #34
The December issue of Famous Reporter is replete with wonderful haiku from some of Australia’s leading haiku poets. It contains 65 haiku over 11 pages, with a significant contribution from northern NSW haijin. In addition to this you will find John Bird’s prize-winning haiku sequence, 'The Fence Rider, 1950 Australia'. This outstanding poem is in six parts, each part a sequence of seven haiku.
If you want to read haiku with a distinctive Australian flavour, Famous Reporter #34 is essential reading. $8 posted (within Australia) from Walleah Press, PO Box 368, North Hobart, TAS 7002 – or $15 for a subscription.
Submissions for issue #35 close end of April.
Here are some quotes from Christopher Bantick’s review of Spinifex: haiku by Beverley George in The Sunday Tasmanian (18/2/07):
‘it celebrates the strength and diversity of haiku as a poetry form’
‘The poems rest on the page like perfectly cut templates of experience’
‘Apart from the poems that will make readers stop and regard the world perhaps a little more thoughtfully, the design of the book also deserves comment. Besides the convenient size that’s ideal for handbags and pockets, the poems are not cluttered on the page…Reeves has presented the poems with a filigree of grass on the pages. This adds to the delicate feel of the book. The result is an excellent gallery of words and shape.’
‘hard to imagine a better example of the form’
‘a book of quiet contemplation and stolen moments of peace winnowed from busyness'.
Spinifex: haiku is available from Pardalote Press http://www.pardalote.com.au
The recent Tasmanian Living Writer's week saw many activities throughout Tasmania and their popularity was very evident to all.
One of these was Haiku Graffiti an event which was the brain child of Irene Mc Guire of Fullers Bookshop in Hobart. Haiku poet's Lyn Reeves, Ron Moss, Peter Macrow, and Jenny Barnard were invited to write haiku on the large glass windows outside the store and Irene joined in as well. A pre selected list of words was used and different colour pens which ensured a colourful event. People passing by enjoyed the experience and many were seen reading the haiku. Several other people joined in with a haiku of their own. The local Mercury Newspaper featured a photo and event information, the haiku will stay for about a week and it continues to attract interest.
A selection of haiku will be posted on the Fullers Bookshop site. http://www.fullersbookshop.com.au/index.html
As I was writing haiku on the window two young guys walked past me and I heard then say:
"They're writing graffiti on that window !! and they're letting them !!! "
A wonderful event and our thanks to everyone involved in raising the profile of haiku in Hobart.
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Ron Moss
Hobart, Tasmania
Mountain Festival
A Report from Tasmania by Ron Moss
The Mountain Festival was a great success with many excellent events and enthusiastic participants. Ross Coward and Ron Moss once again ran the haiku gingko walks over successive Saturdays and many people enjoyed the silent walking with occasional haiku and beautiful flute playing by our friend, Satyamo. We shared green tea together at our destination 'Lone Hut', on the slopes of Mount Wellington.
We did not know what weather to have so we ordered it all ! Rain, hail and snow added to the beautiful ambiance of the experience. Ross and I read work by our favourite poets from our notebooks and also our own spontaneous haiku inspired by the day. We received very good feedback and were thanked by the walkers for a wonderful and almost spiritual experience.
Another event was a lunch time talk at the State Library with a presentation by Martin Hawes and Ron Moss's "Imperfections", a collaboration of wilderness photography and haiku. This presentation used the original photographs and the haiku was spoken by Martin and Ron. The audience seemed mesmerised by the images and words.