
A Hundred Gourds 5.2 released

The 18th issue of A Hundred Gourds, a quarterly journal of haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka and renku poetry, is now available for your reading pleasure.

Please note:

1. AHG will cease publication with our next issue, AHG 5.3, in June 2016.

AHG 5.3, our 19th issue, will be published in June. It will be our final issue, so be sure to send all submissions by the deadline of March 15th. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

2. There will be no renku section in AHG 5.3

We thank Kala Ramesh for her willingness to join the AHG Team as Guest Renku editor for AHG 5.2. This is the last issue of AHG to contain a Renku section. William Sorlien, in his notices to some contributors last year, warned that he may not be able to continue because of other pressing responsibilities. That has turned out to be the case. We wish him well in his future endeavours.

Along with our poetry sections, AHG 5.2 includes:

FEATURE: Haiku North America 2015 — Schenectady, New York

Jennifer Sutherland reports on the bountiful variety of haiku-related presentations given at the 2015 HNA Conference, which was held in Schenectady, New York, USA. Those many of us who couldn’t be there will appreciate some wonderful glimpses into the ideas and expertise that are shared at HNA Conferences.


Ray Rasmussen’s essay, ‘Learning from Two Masters’ explores what might be learned from studying the work and teachings of haibun of two haiku masters who were widely separated in both time and place: Basho, from 17th century Japan and Ken Jones from 21st century Wales, UK.

Brad Bennet and Jo McInerney offer their insights into individual haiku that’ve caught their attention.

Ellis Avery reviews the ‘Genjuan Haibun Contest Decorted Works’ anthology, Rodney Williams reviews Owen Bullock’s ‘urban haiku’ and Lorin Ford reviews Rick Tarquinio’s ‘Mostly Water’.


The deadline for all submissions to AHG 5.3 (the June 2016 issue) is March 15th. Please check our submissions page for details and editors’ guidelines.

Please take the time to read the AHG submissions page, including each relevant editor’s comments and requirements, and ensure that your submission complies.

Lorin Ford – Haiku Editor, Managing Editor

for the Editorial Team, ‘A Hundred Gourds’