
World Haiku Review – submissions open till 20 December

Submissions towards the next northern winter edition of the World Haiku Review (the official magazine for the World Haiku Club) are open until Sunday, 20 December.

Themes – Peace or Winter subjects (yet these are only suggestions – you do not have to follow them).

Maximum number of haiku to be submitted – ten (10), not previously published or under consideration elsewhere.

Haiku poems may be offered in English, or in English translation, traditional or non-traditional in approach, on any topic, in free or formal style, kigo or muki.

Submit to both of the following email addresses please:

Susumu Takiguchi, Managing Editor & Acting-Editor-In-Chief:

[email protected]


Kala Ramesh, Deputy-Editor-in Chief [email protected]

Only submissions made by email will be accepted – no snail mail please.

These should be submitted in the body of the email and not as an attachment (the latter will not be opened).

Submissions should be presented in Arial, 12 pt., with left justification. (Keep it simple – no fanciful or decorative fonts please.)

Include your full name and the country in which you live.

In the subject line of the email put ‘Submission’ ,followed by what you are submitting and your surname.

For example : Submission – Haiku – surname.

For queries or information, email:

Kala Ramesh (Deputy-Editor-in Chief) - [email protected]

Rohini Gupta (Editor) - [email protected]

More detailed guidelines about what will – and will not – be accepted can be accessed through the following link:

Contributors are advised that acceptance notices are not sent, due to the volume of poems involved – one should simply check the World Haiku Review website after the new edition has been posted.