
A Hundred Gourds 4:4 released

It’s the first day of spring in Melbourne. Blossoms are blooming, peas and broad beans are shooting up and the snails are leaving ample evidence that they’ve come out of hibernation. In North America, the bushfire/wildfire season is waning and the milder days of autumn approaching. The world still turns.

Welcome to the 16th issue of “A Hundred Gourds”, a quarterly journal of haiku, haibun, haiga, tanka and renku poetry is now online for your reading pleasure.

AHG 4.4 Feature

The Second International Haiku Conference in Krakow, Poland (May 15-17, 2015)

We’re privileged to visit Poland via Brian Robertson’s report on the Second International Haiku Conference in Krakow, which was held in May this year. Both Brian’s text and the accompanying photos convey, to those of us who couldn’t be there, a sense of the friendliness, enthusiasm and expertise that was shared. Congratulations to all who were involved in this clearly very successful event!


Terry Ann Carter’s essay, Chiyo-ni and “Aisatsu: The Poetry of Greeting”, demonstrates, with her selections of Chiyo-ni’s haiku and contemporary EL haiku, a time-honoured social function of Japanese haiku.

Rob Scott reviews Robert Kania’s “39 haiku”, Susan Constable reviews Joy McCall’s “rising mist, fieldstones” and Lorin Ford reviews Cherie Hunter Day’s “apology moon”.

“A Hundred Gourds” is still looking for a suitable editor for our Expositions section. Please direct any enquiries regarding the Expositions section and submit your book reviews, essays or commentaries on individual poems for AHG to me, Lorin, until further notice.

Submissions Deadline

The deadline for all submissions to AHG 5.1 (the December 2015 issue) is September 15th. AHG has an open submissions policy: any submissions received after the deadline will be filed for consideration for the March 2016 issue. Please check our submissions page for details and editors’ guidelines.

Please take the time to read the AHG submissions page, including the editors’ individual comments, and ensure that your submission complies with all requirements.

Lorin Ford – Haiku Editor, Managing Editor,
for the Editorial Team, “A Hundred Gourds”