
Australians prominent in Wild Plum Haiku Contest 2015

Congratulations to Australian haiku poets Vanesa Proctor (Sydney), Simon Hanson (Allendale) and Marietta McGregor (Canberra) for figuring prominently in the Wild Plum Haiku Contest 2015.

Vanesa won third prize with the following poem:

an open door
evening shadows reach out
to frogsong

Haiku by Simon –

shaping water
and my reverie
river stones

and by Marietta –

my kitchen garden
overrun with orange pumpkins
the weight of summer

gained two out of the six Honourable Mentions conferred.

With both of the top two prize-winners hailing from Romania, and with other Honourable Mentions arising from India, New Zealand and Canada, the Wild Plum Haiku Contest 2015 truly was an international affair.

Given that 105 poets from 27 countries entered the competition, it is all the more noteworthy that Australians filled three out of the top nine placings.

Comments from the judge Gillena Cox regarding Vanessa’s haiku (along with responses to the first two place-getters, plus the text of all six Honourable Mentions) can be accessed at this link: