
HaikuOz items posted during March

The following items were posted on the HaikuOz website during March, 2015, and can be accessed at

A Hundred Gourds 4:2 released
Launch of “The Bone Carver” by Ron C. Moss
Patron of the Australian Haiku Society
Successes in Kusamakura Haiku Competition
Haibun and tanka prose sought by “KYSO Flash”
“Windfall 3” launch in Hobart, February 20th 2015
Red Kelpie Haiku Group Ginko & Meeting #3
FreeXpresSion Haiku Competition 2015 results
Launch of Haiku Bindii: Willow Light
The Urban Halcyon: A Contemporary Haiga/Shahai Journal
Aesthetica Creative Writing Award 2015: Call for Entries

While we remain committed to sending a group email containing the above information to all AHS members – on the first day of each month – technical difficulties continue to be experienced on a website-based level with this circulation process. Apologies are extended to any members who have not been receiving such emailed notifications. Efforts continue to be made to rectify this problem.

Meanwhile, members of the Australian Haiku Society – and other readers of HaikuOz – are reminded that you are most welcome to submit items relevant to the haiku community, both here and overseas, especially in relation to:

• haiku competitions and opportunities for publication;
• news of success in haiku writing enjoyed by Australian haiku poets; and
• reports about meetings of haiku groups in various states/ territories across this country.

Best wishes,

Rodney Williams

Australian Haiku Society
[email protected]