
Copies of haiku anthology “A Vast Sky” available

Patricia Prime (editor, "Kokako", New Zealand) wishes to advise Australian haiku poets who are contributors to the haiku anthology “A Vast Sky” that copies of this collection are now available.

Below, contributing poets will find the text of a message sent by Bruce Ross (from the United States), giving details about how to go about obtaining a copy of “A Vast Sky”.

Please note, however, that the first print-run for "A Vast Sky" has already sold out, such that the anthology will be reprinted in mid-May.

Dear haiku poet,

"A Vast Sky" been published. As a contributor, you will receive a $5
discount. That would be US$ 10.95 plus postage.

If you are interested in a copy, send me your mailing address and I will
email you the total cost including postage.

If you have PayPal you can send the money to my email that way.
If not, you will have to send me a check in US dollars, or a money order or
bank draft in US dollars, made out to Bruce Ross, sent to:

Bruce Ross
PMB 127
499 Broadway
Bangor, ME 04401

As soon as I receive your payment I will mail you a copy of the book.

Best wishes,

Bruce Ross