
FreeXpresSion Haiku Competition 2015

The FreeXpresSion haiku competition closes on 28 February 2015. First prize is $125 for the best single haiku. A copy of the entry form can be found below.

A. Short Story: Open Theme up to 2,500 words
B. Traditional Rhyming Poetry: Open Theme up to 120 lines
C. Free Verse: Open Theme up to 120 lines
1st prize $250.00 ~ 2nd Prize $100.00 in A, B & C categories
D. Article/Essay: Open Theme 1,500 to 2,000 words 1st prize $100.00 for the best article
E. Haiku: Open Theme. One page of four represents 1 entry 1st prize $125.00 2nd prize $100.00 3rd Prize $75
HC and Commended Certificates will also be awarded in all categories if warranted.

Closing Date 28 February 2015

 Entries should be submitted in English, using one side of A4 paper, typed double spaced, using generous margins.
 No names or addresses to appear on manuscripts. Such entries will be disqualified. Author’s name and address must be on the signed Entry Form only. The Entry Form may be photocopied. The Title (only) of entry should appear on each page of the manuscript.
 Entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not have won a cash prize in any other competition, nor been published prior to the closing date.
 Entry fee $5.00 per entry ($25 for 6 entries) and cheques etc should be made payable to FreeXpresSion. Multiple entries may be paid with one cheque or money order.
 Copyright remains with the author; however, FreeXpresSion will publish the winning Haiku entry and all placed entries in the magazine and would like the opportunity to publish suitable entries from the other categories in the FreeXpresSion Magazine and in any subsequent anthology, subject to the author’s express permission. Results will be published in the May issue of FreeXpresSion.
 Entries will not be returned and will be destroyed after the announcement of results; so please keep copies for your records.
 The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. Please include a SSAE with your entry if you require the Results and Judges’ comments.
 Submission of an entry in this competition will be deemed to be an acceptance of and agreement to these conditions. Entries failing to meet these conditions will not be judged and entry fees will not be returned.
 Overseas entrants can use PayPal to lodge entry fee using email address [email protected]

2015 Entry Form

Please fill in the areas below and mail this Entry Form together with your manuscript(s) and cheque/money order to: FreeXpresSion, PO Box 4, West Hoxton, NSW 2171

Name(Please Print) …………………………………………




No. of Entries…………………. Enclosed please find my cheque/money order for the sum of $………
or I have arranged payment direct using Paypal tick box.

Please indicate the category in the first column with the title of the entry in the second column.

Category Title

Entry Fee $5 per entry or $25 for six entries This entry form can be photocopied
Thank you for your support