Blue Giraffe Press 2nd Haiku Competition results
The winners of the Blue Giraffe Press 2nd Haiku Competition (October 2014) were: Nathalie Buckland, Mark Miller and Rob Woods.
Commended: Lorin Ford, Lorraine Haig and Ron C. Moss.
Judge: Peter Macrow (Manager, Blue Giraffe Press)
Winners received $100 - commended poets $40.
Peter Macrow advises that the awarded poems will be printed next year in issue #5 of "Prospect" poetry journal, a haiku and tanka issue.
Beverley George will act as guest editor for that edition, through Blue Giraffe Press.
A total of 53 entries were received for this second Blue Giraffe haiku competition, involving about 250 poems, covering all Australian states and territories.
Entrants who had no luck in the judging are still encouraged to submit these and/or other poems towards that same edition of "Prospect".
A maximum of 10 haiku and/or 6 tanka per poet will be welcome, during a submission window of 1 April 2015 – 31 May 2015.
Submissions can be emailed directly to Beverley George during that period of time: [email protected]
Poetry offered for "Prospect" cannot have been published previously in print or electronic media, nor can it be on offer elsewhere.
This special haiku and tanka edition of "Prospect" is likely to become available during August, 2015.
Costing $10 each, copies can be ordered from Peter Macrow, 6/16 Osborne Street, Sandy Bay TAS 7005.
Cheques should be made out to Peter Macrow, while cash or 15 x 70 cent stamps would also be welcome.