
Mari Warabiny Haiku Group - Spring Haiku Ginko

The Mari Warabiny Haiku Group will hold a Spring Haiku Ginko on Sunday, 26 October, 2014, commencing at 1.00 pm, at the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth Cultural Centre, James Street, Perth.

Participants in the Mari Warabiny Spring Haiku Ginko should please bring along a pen and notebook.
Those involved will meet at 1.00 pm in the front foyer of the Art Gallery, where they will be given handouts on writing haiku and some examples of poetry in this genre.
People taking part will then go their separate ways to observe and make notes, or write haiku, either walking around the Cultural Centre or the Art Gallery.
While participating in the ginko, the group has been offered a trolley in the cloak room at the Art Gallery for the safe storage of bags and belongings.
A table has been booked in the Art Gallery Café at 2.30 pm, where group members will meet up again to compare notes, share new haiku and write further pieces.
The café would appreciate it if people involved could purchase drinks (coffee, tea, cold drinks) and/or afternoon tea (cake, etc.)
The only cost for this Mari Warabiny Spring Haiku Ginko will come from buying such drinks and/or food at the Art Gallery Café.