
paper wasp submissions

Submissions are now open for paper wasp’s next issue for all things Australian. This last special issue for 2014 (December/Summer) is especially for haiku with an Australian flavour/theme – for which overseas contributions are very welcome. The deadline for the Australian haiku edition is November 1.

This year paper wasp has been celebrating its 20th birthday. The longest running Australian haiku journal still in print, it was founded in 1994 by Jacqui Murray, John Knight and Ross Clark. The team was soon strengthened by Katherine Samuelowicz and the late Janice M Bostok. paper wasp has been marking the year with special issues devoted to various haiku genres. The object was to provide a friendly forum in which poets could try something new, spread their wings and/or showcase other skills.

Email: [email protected]
Postal: paper wasp, 14 Fig Tree Pocket Rd, Chapel Hill, Qld 4069, Australia.