
Red Kelpie Haiku Group Ginko & Meeting #1

The Red Kelpies met on Sunday 4th May, 2014 at the Melbourne Zoo for our first meeting and ginko. We were honoured that HaikuOz President, Cynthia Rowe, and her husband Bruce, came all the way down from Sydney to be with us ... a most auspicious sign! Of course, Cynthia and Bruce are now Honorary Members.

It was one of those traditional Melbourne days, with the rain bucketing down one minute, blue sky and sunshine the next then ominous, leaden cloud-banks again.After introductions, we gathered at a table outside the cafeteria which was sheltered by an umbrella.

Each of us spoke a little about ourselves and our involvement with haiku, then Lorin explained the ‘silent ginko’ method and the follow-up work. After these preliminaries, at the urging of those with iPhones and cameras, we proceeded to a more picturesque spot for a ‘photo opportunity’ before setting off on our walk as a group. After walking through many parts of the Zoo, including a replica of an Indonesian jungle complete with 'hati-hati' signs and a wayside warung, we re-grouped for the sharing of any draft haiku that had been written, then lunch … and talking!

The Red Kelpie Haiku Group was initiated by Lorin Ford, who invited Jennifer Sutherland, Jayashree Maniyal and Robyn Cairns to be foundation members. We are delighted that Marisa Fazio and Rodney Williams, who were invited to attend Ginko & Meeting #1 as guests, are now Red Kelpie members. The Red Kelpie Haiku Group will meet four times a year.

For practical reasons, the Red Kelpie Haiku Group membership will be limited to a maximum of ten people, at least for our first year. We will also invite guests from time to time. Enquiries from haiku writers who might like to join the group or be invited along as guests and who have at least five haiku published in edited, English-language haiku journals should be directed to Lorin Ford via haikugourds at gmail dot com, with ‘Red Kelpie Haiku Group’ in the email subject bar.

— Lorin Ford
Melbourne, May 2014