
Bindii Ginko at Himeji Gardens 5 April 2014

Five members came to the Ginko at Himeji Gardens on a very pleasant, sunshiny autumn afternoon. Margaret Fensom led the Ginko and was joined by Lyn Arden, Dawn Colsey, Maeve Archibald and Alicia Holbrook.

Apologies were received from: Lee Bentley, Simon Hanson, Julia Wakefield, Josie Saccone, Athena Zaknic, Martin Christmas, Jill Gower and Karin Anderson.
The plan Margaret had devised was to gather at the Box Factory at 1 pm and then walk through the side streets to North Terrace and the Himeji Gardens. Once there we dispersed for an hour’s walk through the gardens, during which we composed haiku and tanka or took notes for composition of the poems. After this we gathered in the sheltered area in the stone garden to share our work. The afternoon was profitable, judging by the amount of work members were able to share.

The meeting finished at 3 pm.
Lyn Arden