
Milestone New Zealand-Australia haiku anthology

To celebrate the life of the late John Knight, Paper Wasp will publish a joint anthology of haiku by New Zealand and Australian poets.

Please note that submissions for the anthology are invited by 20 October 2013 from haiku poets resident in New Zealand and/or Australia. New Zealanders and Australians living overseas are also invited to participate.

John was well known in haiku circles in both countries and, through Post Pressed, provided many poets with a publication outlet for which he is gratefully, and fondly, remembered. After consultations on both sides of ‘The Ditch’, it was agreed that a milestone Trans Tasman anthology should serve as the memorial publication to honour John’s memory. The anthology’s size will depend on submissions and pages but Paper Wasp will ensure that it is an attractive and affordable publication in keeping with John’s enduring legacy.

Poets are asked to submit a maximum of ten haiku, either published or unpublished, with a cheque for $Aust 10. Those with an Australian bank account can deposit $10 by bank transfer. That amount will then be deducted from orders for the final cost (including postage and handling) of the anthology.

Poets must also include brief biographical notes to a maximum of 50 words as well as publication and/or prize details of previously published haiku.

Paper Wasp reserves the right to make selections for the anthology based on established conventions of merit.

Please send submissions to:
Jacqui Murray/Paper Wasp
124 Balemo Drive
Ocean Shores NSW 2483

Katherine Samuelowicz/Paper Wasp
14 Fig Tree Pocket Rd
Chapel Hill Q 4069

For information about bank transfers within Australia please email: [email protected]

Email submissions, with payments details, can also be sent to that address.
Deadline: 20 October 2013

NB: In view of the costs involved, Paper Wasp regrets it cannot concurrently sponsor the very popular Janice M Bostok Haiku Award in 2013. It will return in 2014.