
May Haiku Workshop

The 4 May 2013 meeting of Bindii group was held at the Box Factory in Adelaide. from 12:00 to 3:00 Eleven participated, including both experienced and new haiku poets. There were also nine apologies for the meeting. The workshop was organized by Lee Bentley and Lynette Arden.

Lee Bentley coordinated the meeting, which started with Lynette speaking on:
1. Differences between Japanese and English written language and counting of syllables, then the differences between the construction of haiku poetry and imagist (and other poetry) in English.
2. We talked about the parallels between paintings and haiku.
3. We then moved on to a brief discussion of the four Great Masters of haiku: Basho, Buson, Issa and Shiki and a little bit of history of the haiku form and a few examples from the masters.
4. We looked at a classic haiku from Matsuo Basho with numerous different translations in English
(Handouts were distributed on each of these topics.)

Lee Bentley then discussed the way that a haiku in English is constructed, giving a few simple guidelines and distributing handouts covering guidelines and reference material for those wishing to expand their knowledge.

The group then split up so individuals could choose to walk outside or sit quietly indoors to attempt a haiku or at least some notes towards writing a haiku.

A shared lunch was followed by workshopping of the haiku attempted before the lunch break. Haiku and notes towards haiku were written up on the whiteboard so the writers could ask for feedback. A number of very interesting haiku were completed during this process.

The meeting finished at 3 pm.


3 August (Saturday) 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Box Factory
Renku with Lee Bentley (Box Factory booking) Workshop will include 30 mins lunch break.

2 November(Saturday) 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Box Factory
Haibun with Maeve Archibald (Box Factory booking) this will be the final meeting at the Box Factory for the year. Workshop will include 30 mins lunch break.

Minutes taken by Lynette Arden
4 May 2013