
Report on Bindii meeting 1 December 2012

Ten members and visitors attended the December meeting of the Bindii group. This was a social gathering for our final meeting for 2012.

A vote of thanks was made to Maeve Archibald for her workshop on haibun for our November meeting. The remark was made by one member, Martin Christmas, that the workshop had inspired him to look at the haibun form as part of his repertoire as a poet.
Group members read their haiku, tanka and haibun on the Christmas and seasonal theme set by Lee, for the appreciation of those present.
HAIKU BINDII BLOG: members agreed to trial again having the Challenges on the main part of the blog in order to attract some interest.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to our end of year social function, sharing food and drink and lively conversation.
The next meeting will be held on Saturday 2 Feb from 11 to 2.00: tanka workshop in Box Factory (Lynette Arden)

Lynette Arden
1 December 2012