
Janice M Bostok Award results

Congratulations to André Surridge for taking out the inaugural first prize of $A350 with ‘evening breeze’ – from which the anthology from the contest takes its title. We also congratulate the runner-up, Sandra Simpson and, Chen-ou Liu for taking third prize.

First Prize: André Surridge

evening breeze
a flag releases
its stars

Second Prize: Sandra Simpson

hoar frost the click of a safety being released

Third Prize: Chen-ou Liu

snowy dawn
bits of yesterday
cling to today

Judging the contest was a challenge, but a most enjoyable one. The number of Honourable Mentions attests to the overall high standard of entries.

Honourable Mentions

Jan Dobb

cumulus clouds
in the shallows an egret
fluffs twice

Quendryth Young

hoeing –
his old bones angled
above the earth

Steven Carter

sky among leaves among

Mark Miller

thinning mist –
the skittering
of bird notes

Margaret Beverland

going nowhere … the sailboat
tacks again

The high standard is likewise reflected in the pages of finalists that make up the anthology collection. Our heartfelt thanks go to all who participated to make this contest so successful and, a fitting memorial to Janice. Paper Wasp is indebted to the judges led by Jim Kacian and Cynthia Rowe.

Copies of the anthology, evening breeze, can be purchased for $10 each or $25 for three copies. Overseas orders will be charged at the same/equivalent $Australian rate with the addition of postage. For orders please contact:
[email protected]