
Bindii Group: November haibun workshop meeting

Nine members and visitors attended out November meeting at the Box Factory in Adelaide for a workshop on haibun presented by Maeve Archibald.

Report on Meeting of Bindii Japanese Genre Poetry Group 4 November 2012
Nine members and visitors attended out November meeting at the Box Factory in Adelaide for a workshop on haibun presented by Maeve Archibald.
Lee Bentley is now running an email workshop group for haiku and tanka for those Bindii members who wish to participate. The first of these email workshops attracted five participants and the second will be advertised to members shortly.
WORKSHOP ON HAIBUN: MAEVE ARCHIBALD Maeve began the workshop with a short overview of style features of haibun. She then used one of her haibun to illustrate various aspects of style and described why she had chosen certain words and expressions and discussed various possibilities of developing the early drafts into the final product.
We then read and workshopped a number of haibun brought by members. It was pleasing that all of those who had attended had brought haibun to the meeting. We were so busy that we ran out of time at the end. It is good to see the enthusiasm of members for this form. Future workshops will allow us to develop our skills further.
The meeting concluded at 1:00 pm.
Lynette Arden 3 November 2012


1 December 11 to 2.30 social activity in Box Factory kitchen (upstairs) (details Lee Bentley will email further information)

2 Feb 11 to 2.00 tanka workshop in Box Factory (Lyn Arden) Workshop will include 30 mins lunch break.

24 March
(Sunday) lunch at restaurant in Burnside
2 pm event at Burnside Library for 1 hour: Mariko Kitakubo (Japanese tanka poet) and Beverley George (editor of Eucalypt tanka journal), plus readings from Bindii group and participation from Japanese community

4 May 12.00 noon to 3 pm Box Factory booking: haiku workshop organized by Lee and Lyn. Participation by group members and new participants who wish to learn how to write haiku.
We are hoping any participants from outside the group will have one on one help from group members, so that they will get enough feedback to write an acceptable haiku (in the haiku format) at the end of the meeting.

3 August 11 to 2.00 topic Renku with Lee Bentley (Box Factory booking) Workshop will include 30 mins lunch break.

2 November 11 to 2.00 topic Haibun with Maeve Archibald (Box Factory booking) this will be the final meeting at the Box Factory for the year. Workshop will include 30 mins lunch break.