

The Bindii group met at the Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm Minutes of the meeting are provided below:

Present: Lynette Arden, Maeve Archibald, Lesley Charlesworth, Lee Bentley, Belinda Broughton, Athena Zaknic, Julia Wakefield.

Apologies: Dawn Colsey, Alex Ask, Margaret Fensom, Pam Brow, Jill Gower.


A promotional reading for Haiku Bindii has been organized by Julia Wakefield at Stirling Library on 12 May at 3 pm. Compere: Julia Wakefield, Readers: Julia Wakefield, Belinda Broughton, Maeve Archibald, Lyn Arden, Lee Bentley, Margaret Fensom? any others?

See invitation attached. Circulate as you can to those interested

Challenges:. suggested topics for May. We decided to have two topics, one with a nature reference. Both are possible of many interpretations:


We will trial voting by email for the next Showcase.

Our haibun renga Threads has been accepted for the 9 May reading in Mary Martins Norwood by the Kensington & Norwood writers group. Event is from 7 to 9 pm and free if anyone wishes to attend.

General Program of meeting: Discussion workshop on haiga. Examples of haiga brought by members were circulated and individual members spoke about examples they had picked out. There was some general discussion in the course of looking at the haiga on ‘what is a good haiga’.

There was some discussion with Julia Wakefield as to the exact program for our readings at Stirling Library.

Next meeting 2 June: This will be a workshop meeting for members’ work in any Japanese Genre.

The meeting concluded at 12.30 pm.

Lynette Arden
6 May 2012