Venue: Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide
Time: 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Present: Lyn Arden, Belinda Broughton, Jill Gower, Maeve Archibald, Margaret Rawlinson, Lee Bentley, Margaret Fensom.
Apologies: Alex Ask, Marilyn Linn, Julia Wakefield, Judith Ahmed, Dawn Colsey.
Read the minutes of the meeting below.
Haiku Bindii Vol. 1 Journeys 2011 100 extra copies have been printed and are available for sale.
Beverley George has sent postcards for members who met her in Adelaide.
Kokako from Patricia Prime to borrow. Issue 15: Belinda Broughton, 14: Maeve Archibald.
Nov to Feb Challenges: Members selected items for display in the Showcase. In the future, there will be only two challenges per month and we will usually select every second month, but the next selection will be at the May meeting. Work can be submitted to any challenge topic in the period covered.
Volunteers to conduct workshops at sessions: Lee Bentley: renku discussion later in 2012, Belinda Broughton: haibun discussion in July, Maeve Archibald: haibun discussion in October. Any other contributions would be most welcome. If people want to team up to run a workshop that is also welcome. Volunteers are also sought to run a kukai session.
Other business: Launch and Box Factory Market report: successful sessions and enjoyed by those attending.
Bindii has been invited to liaise with Limestone Tanka group.
Work from members has been requested for readings in mid May on a Wednesday evening in Mary Martins in Norwood. Details will be advised when available.
General Program of meeting: Kukai: coordinated by Lyn Arden then a short local ginko was followed by general work shopping of work from members.
Next meeting 3 March: Each member is requested to bring in a favourite haiku or tanka to read. Discussion of each piece of work will be incorporated into the session. This will be followed by a workshop session on work on the February Challenge topics: sport, home, origin, history, memories of past times, our lifestyle, our lives now, our lives in the future and work on similar topics. Members may also bring work on other topics to discuss later in the session. We may have a short local ginko if the weather permits.
7 April Meeting: on Easter Saturday. This will be a ginko meeting. Venue to be advised. Coordinators: Belinda Broughton and Margaret Rawlinson.
Lyn Arden 4/2/2012