
A Hundred Gourds: update

The inaugural issue of A Hundred Gourds will be a big issue. We are on track for the publication date of December 1st.

Thank you to everyone who submitted haiku to me for A Hundred Gourds, 1:1.

As well as haiku, tanka, haibun and haiga, the December issue will contain a retrospective feature on Janice M. Bostok’s haiku life, essays by John Carley, Jack Galmitz and Chen-ou Liu and interviews with two haiku poets whose names we’re keeping as a surprise.

Submissions for A Hundred Gourds 1:2, the March issue, will remain open until the deadline of December 15th.

I welcome your haiku submissions for AHG issue 1:2 any time up to and including December 15th. After that date, all submissions received will be held over for consideration for the June issue , A Hundred Gourds 1:3.

Please include your name and country of residence directly beneath the last haiku within the text of your email. Further details about submissions to all of the editors are on the A Hundred Gourds temporary webpage, here:

On December 1st, this same url will take you to the inaugural issue and the temporary webpage will be abandoned.

warm wishes,

Lorin Ford, haiku editor
a hundred gourds