HIBIKI by Cathy Drinkwater Better and Geert Verbeke
HIBIKI is the first collaborative book of haiku by Cathy Drinkwater Better (Maryland, USA) and Geert Verbeke (Flanders, Belgium). This 40-page, side-stapled, digest-size book contains two individual sections of 72 haiku each, one devoted to each poet’s work and a brief biographical note. All of the haiku in HIBIKI are new.
This limited-edition collection is available exclusively through the poets: Contact Cathy Drinkwater Better at [email protected] for more information.
To order, write her at 613 Okemo Drive, Eldersburg, MD 21784; cost in the U.S. is $10, postage paid.
For more information, e-mail Cathy at [email protected] or visit her Web site at www.cathydrinkwaterbetter.com.
For information on overseas ordering, go to Geert’s Web site, http://www.haikugeert.net, and click on CYBERWIT INDIA at the top; or write to him at Leo Baekelandlaan14, B-8500, Kortrijk, Flanders, Belgium.