
November 20, 2010

Touchstone Awards for Individual Poems

The Haiku Foundation Touchstone Awards for Individual Poems will be bestowed annually on haiku and senryu that represent a noteworthy addition to English-language haiku in the estimation of a distinguished panel of haiku poets, editors and scholars. The inaugural Awards are open to any English-language haiku or senryu published in calendar-year 2010. Each author of an award-winning poem will receive a commemorative stone with their poem and name engraved on it, emblematic of his or her contribution to the foundations of English-language haiku.

Any individual who had at least one haiku or senryu published during the award year may nominate two haiku or senryu, one of which may be their own, published during that year. For the purposes of this award, publication is constituted by, but not limited to, first appearance in a juried public venue such as a book, journal, online site or contest. The Awards Committee reserves the right to determine whether a poem meets this criterion.

The panel for our inaugural awards consists of Fay Aoyagi, David Cobb, Janice Bostok, john martone, Hiro Sato and John Stevenson.

The deadline for submission is December 31, 2010. Please see full guidelines at:

November 10, 2010

BINDII MEETING November 6, 2010

(Box Factory, Regent Street, Adelaide)

Present: Alex Ask, Maeve Archibald, Athena Zaknic, Margaret Fensom, Margaret Rawlinson, Veronica Shanks.
Apologies: Lyn Arden, Dawn Colsey, Marilyn Linn.

We started our meeting by introducing two new members, Margaret Rawlinson and Veronica Shanks, who were informed during the Graham Nunn workshop on Thursday evening that Bindii would be meeting on November 6.

We discussed some of the fundamentals of Haiku (i.e. revering nature, fragment / phrase, kigo), which were discussed in detail by Graham Nunn on the Thursday evening and re-iterated here.

We then decided to spend 30 minutes outside the Box Factory writing several Haiku. We returned to the meeting room approximately 11.30am and then proceeded to place our newly written Haiku on the white board. All members provided input on how to improve the Haiku etc. We participated in two rounds of Haiku reviews for each member.

At the conclusion of the meeting, we were all excited at the progress we made during our meeting. We discussed the importance of spending some or all of the meeting outside writing Poetry, rather than being stuck in the room all meeting.

December Meeting: Box Factory: We await Lyn’s return to discuss the topic of the next meeting, however I recommend, based on our discussions, that we involve interaction with nature at some stage where we can write some Haiku or Tanka.

Next Year: Maeve explained that she would like to run a workshop over three sessions (two hours each session) on Haibun. We discussed the format of running it over two Bindii meetings with a session in between the monthly meetings. That is, she would run the three sessions over a month period. We can discuss when she will run the workshop during the December meeting.

The meeting concluded at 1pm.
Minutes taken by Alex Ask November 7, 2010

November 07, 2010

British Haiku Society Awards

The British Haiku Society welcomes entries to The British Haiku Awards. The two categories are: Haiku and Haibun.

Submissions must be in English, unpublished at the time of submission, remaining so until results are declared, and not concurrently entered for any other competition. There is no limit on the number of entries from any single competitor.

For haiku, prizes of £125 will be awarded to each of the two best and £50 to each of two runners-up. (Double awards: £250 and £100.)

For haibun, prizes of £125 will be awarded to each of the two best, but at present there will be no runner-up prize.

Deadline: in the administrator's hands by 31January, 2011. Haiku and haibun entries
may be sent in the same envelope.

Judges for the British Haiku Awards 2010 are as follows:

Haiku: Dee Evetts and Clare McCotter
Haibun: Lynne Rees and Jeffrey Woodward

All details, including submission guidelines for the Awards can be found at:

then click on Competitions, where the 2009 Haiku results report and examples of past winning haiku, and a haibun are also provided.

David Steele
(B H Awards administrator)

Going Down Swinging

The special 30th anniversary issue of Going Down Swinging has been published and it contains haiku from Australia and overseas by notable poets including Lyn Reeves, Rob Scott, Graham Nunn, Emilie Zoey Baker, Matt Hetherington, Sandra Simpson and Nathalie Buckland. Subscription details can be found at:

Myron Lysenko

Simply Haiku has a new home

The autumn 2010 issue of Simply Haiku is now available at a new location:

Submissions for the Winter issue are being accepted until 15 December. Simply Haiku accepts quality traditional English language haiku, tanka, haibun, haiga, renga, book reviews, interviews and feature articles. Please read the Submission Guidelines on the Simply Haiku web site before submitting.