£100 1st prize
£25 each for up to 4 runners-up
Publication of winning and commended poems in Presence #43
Judge: Martin Lucas
Entry fee: £5 for up to 5 haiku. Additional haiku at £1 per haiku.
Paid by: £ cheque to Haiku Presence. For recommended overseas payment options see http://haiku-presence.50webs.com
Fees may also be paid in $ or € cash at the entrant’s own risk at the rates of $8 / €5 up to 5 haiku and $2 / €2 per additional haiku.
The prize may be paid by £ cheque: bank negotiation or currency exchange charges to be paid by the prize winner not Presence magazine.
Format: any format you like. Two copies of each haiku, with your name and address included on one copy. It is OK to print several haiku on one sheet of paper.
All entries to be original, unpublished, not under consideration elsewhere.
Deadline (in hand): 31 October 2010
Send to:
Chris Boultwood, 6 King Street, Chester CH1 2AH, England, UK
Non-subscribers may order a copy of the results issue of Presence for £5 (cheques to “Haiku Presence”) or $12. Alternatively, for results, enclose an s.a.e. (+IRC from outside the UK) with your contest entry.