South Australia Regional Representative
Martina Taeker has sent notification that she is stepping down from her role as Regional Representative - South Australia.
On behalf of the Australian Haiku Society, may I thank Martina for the contribution she has made, and continues to make, to the understanding of Japanese poetry genres in Australia with her inspiring workshops, gallery events and her lively participation in the annual Salisbury Festival. Thanks, Martina, and all the best with your many endeavours
I am delighted to welcome Lynette Arden as the new regional representative for South Australia. Lynette leads the recently formed Bindi haiku group, participated in the 4th Haiku Pacific Rim Conference at Terrigal in September 2009, and intends visiting Japan with other haiku poets 'In the Footsteps of Basho" later this year. Lynette is a long term contributing member of the Kensington and Norwood Writers Group and is encouraging and supportive of other writers.
Welcome, Lynette