QPF to premier 100 verse renga by Janice Bostok & Jacqui Murray
Janice Bostock and Jacqui Murray will premier their 100 verse renga
'Stonewashed Moon' at the Queensland Poetry Festival on Saturday, 23 August
2009. The renga, which was written some time ago, is believed to be the
first written in English. The authors deliberately gave their work a strong
Australian flavour, concentrating on noticeably Australian subjects and
themes. In keeping with this mood, Jan and Jacqui's QPF performance, at 2.45
p.m. on Saturday at the Judith Wright Centre in Brisbane, will feature a
dramatic visual backdrop. Jan and Jacqui will also present a selection of
their individual haiku at the festival on Saturday night.
For full festival details visit: www.queenslandpoetryfestival.com