
December 29, 2008


Dick Sanders (Charlestown, NSW)

‘Haiku is of the seasons and the ten thousand things; it evokes; it
never describes.’

Carolyn Cordon (Redbanks, SA)

(1) ‘Haiku is a poem describing a moment in nature, with few words.’
(2) 'Haiku is a joke played by the Japanese on Westerners, who, at
best, only think they get it.'

Vidur Jyoti (Gurgaon, India) .

'It is a tide contained in a ripple.'

Max Ryan (New Brighton, NSW)

‘A haiku is a small, undramatic disappearing act where the poet is
lost in the poem. What is left is an overall image that may be
composed of more than one element from nature but that nevertheless
conveys the sense of a single moment.’

Can you answer THE question in less than forty words.? Then please tell
John Bird at He is is editing this feature
for us.

December 21, 2008

Cloudcatchers Summer Ginko

Cloudcatchers (the haiku group on the Far North Coast of NSW) is three years old. On 5 December 2005, thirteen poets assembled at Torakina Park, Brunswick Heads, where the river meets the sea. Last Friday, 12 December 2008, fifteen enthusiasts gathered at the same place for the summer ginko. Nathalie Buckland presented our usual introduction, “I wish to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, and ask you to think of all of our ancestors, remembering other feet that have trodden this ground before us.”

After some chatter, then a long silent walk in the evocative surroundings, we wrote together. Haiku were shared in turn around one large picnic table. These first drafts were appreciated for their insight and their flair. “I saw that – but you have captured it!” “Perfect!” “Oh, I wish I had written that!”

Participants were invited to join an email Round Robin, commenting on haiku drafted on the day, and re-worked at home. Submissions have been circulated, and currently comments are returning for a composite email workshopping of this summer ginko.

We await our autumn ginko with high anticipation.

Quendryth Young
15 December 2008


Graham Nunn (Brisbane, Qld)

‘a short poem that captures the true essence of a moment in time.'

Jan Rikken (The Netherlands)

‘For me a Haiku is the "condensation" of a personal feeling evoked
by a natural phenomenon, into a little poem, without the explicit
expression of that feeling.’

Duncan Richardson (Brisbane, Qld)

' ... the classic elements meet what appeals to me in haiku, namely
intensity, capturing the moment and relating to nature in some way, all done in
a very brief manner.'

Larry Bole (New York City, USA) Paraphrasing U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Potter Stewart:

“I shall not attempt to define the kinds of material I understand to
be embraced within the shorthand description haiku; and perhaps I
could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I
see it.”

Can you answer THE question in less than forty words.? Then please tell
John Bird at He is is editing this feature
for us.

Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Competition - Deadline Extended

The deadline of this competition has been extended to January 7, 2009.
Please visit for full submission details.


DEADLINE: in hand by 1 FEBRUARY, 2009
FEES: $2.00 US per entry, no limit on entry number
CATEGORIES: A = Haiku, B = Senryu, C = Tanka, D = Haibun, E = Haiga
RULES: open style, no theme, but must be unpublished and original work.

Haiku/Haiga = an'ya, Tanka = Amelia, Haibun = Hortensia, Senryu =Tony.

NOTIFICATIONS: ONLY winners will be notified by MARCH 1 , the results will be published in the Spring/Summer 2009 issue of "moonset LITERARY NEWSPAPER"

First Place = one free bi-annual subscription to "moonset" for each winner (or a recipient of their choice), and an Award Certificate.
Second Place = one free 'copy' of "moonset" for each winner (or a recipient of their choice), plus an Award Certificate.
Third Place = Award Certificate.
Honorable Mention (one) = Publication in the next "moonset".

RULES/GUIDELINES: Submit ALL entries by email to; "PLEASE" include the category entered ! email is preferred heavily, but, if you "must" use the mail ... send entries to: moonset Literary Newspaper, ATTENTION : PETERB, POB 3627, La Pine, Oregon, USA, 97739-0088 as two duplicate copies, on 3 X 5 cards, or, 8 1/2 X 11 sure to put the category on the back of all submissions ! and, your name, email, and address on the back side of "one" copy only (not both).. good luck !

December 15, 2008

bottle rockets press - flower anthology submission guidelines

Call for submissions: bottle rockets press will be publishing a haiku anthology of flowers due out sometime in 2010. The book will be a perfect-bound with a glossy cover plus an ISBN. (The third anthology in the series.) Submission can cover any aspects of flowers. Any type of flower is welcome. No tanka, haibun or haiga will be considered.

1) Previously published poems must have:
-the name of 1st publication,
-volume number,
-issue number,
-year of publication

2) Please also indicate:
-the season next to each poem
-and any other useful information.

3) If unpublished please indicate it also next to the haiku.

-All submissions need to have on the top right corner of the page:
-poet’s name
-e-mail address

No e-mail submissions accepted inside or outside of the USA.

Submissions in the USA need a SASE/size 10 envelope.

Outside the USA Submissions need to include an SASE with 2 IRCs or an e-mail address for the editor’s reply.

All submissions must be typed. 5 haiku per page. Please send up to 20 haiku. (Previously published prefered, but not mandatory.)

This will be a highly selective process. Any submission not following these strict guidelines will be discarded without notifying the author. It is the author’s responsibility to follow directions. Deadline for submission August 1, 2009. brp reserves the right to discontinue this book project if it does not acquire enough quality work. Please send submissions to:

Stanford M. Forrester, Editor
bottle rockets press
PO Box 189
Windsor, CT 06095


bottle rockets press has a new website including a bookstore of new, used & collectible
haiku and haiku related books. Come visit and help us celebrate our 10 year anniversary!

The old website will be taken down shortly.


Bob Jones (Bingal Bay, Qld)
“A renga-related nature-based poem whose plain imagery evokes a particular moment, stripped to its most telling features, classically intimating the quick of all moments.”

 Janice M Bostok (in collaboration with John Bird)
"A haiku is a brief poem, built on sensory images from the real world. It evokes a personal insight into how people are connected to their environment."

Bea Holmes along with a number of others, favours the current definition of the Haiku Society of America:
“A haiku is a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition.”

Lorin Ford (Melbourne, Vic) Her working description (not definition) is
‘Haiku in English are brief poems about observable things. Haiku suggest connections and relationships between the things of nature and human life. Abstractions are avoided, as is the overt use poetic devices such as metaphor, simile and other tropes.’

Can you answer THE question in less than forty words.? Then please tell
John Bird at He is is editing this feature for us.

December 08, 2008


The 2009 Queensland Poetry Festival (QPF) invites proposals from poets and other performers and artists interested in being part of the 13th Annual Queensland Poetry Festival: spoken in one strange word, to be staged at The Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, August 21 - 23.

QPF would like to hear from both individuals and groups for single performances at the Festival and for other projects in association with the Festival. While all projects should have a relationship to poetic language, we encourage applications from non-poets wishing to explore the relationship between poetry and other art forms (e.g. performances with a music and/or multi-media focus etc).

For full submission guidelines visit

Expressions of Interest must be received by close of business, Friday 27 February, 2008.

If you have any questions regarding your submission please don’t hesitate in contacting Festival Director, Julie Beveridge at

December 07, 2008


Dawn Bruce (Sydney, NSW)

'The writing of haiku captures a moment that reveals the extraordinary in the ordinary; it allows one to slow down and value the present; it enables one to forget the ego and feel the miracle of nature; more than anything it is the heart of poetry.'


Alison Williams (UK)

‘A haiku is a short poem that finds the intangible in the tangible.’


Janet Howie (Melbourne, Vic)

‘Haiku is a concise poetic form that captures a keenly perceived and felt moment in nature, leading to further reflection on universal human experience.’


Merle Packham (Alstonville, NSW)

“A haiku is a brief poem expressing a moment of observation, with
awareness of all the senses to nature, the seasons, and one's


Can you answer THE question in less than forty words.? Then please tell John Bird at
He is editing this feature for Haiku Oz.

December 01, 2008

What is Haiku? - Week 3

Katherine Gallagher (UK)
(1) “Haiku is a brief season-oriented poem of Japanese origin but
increasingly adapted to Western usage and local tastes. A haiku mirrors
a moment’s experience often shown via contrasting images - the so-called
‘haiku moment’ bringing about a. sudden illumination to dramatic

(2) and Katherine’s short description:
"Haiku is a brief poem about the sensory vibrancy of the planet."

Maureen Sexton (Perth, WA)
"Haiku exalts nature by recording, in as few words as possible,
something from the natural world that creates an insight which
resonates with the reader."

Tenth Annual Paper Wasp Jack Stamm Haiku Award

paper wasp invites haiku poets to enter its tenth annual haiku contest. An anthology of the best haiku submitted will be published from the contest. One copy will be provided free to authors of entries selected for publication. Fist Prize is $A100.00, Second Prize is $A50.00 and Third Prize is $A25.00. The contest is open to haiku poets worldwide, has no set theme, welcomes both the modern and traditional forms but it is restricted to the English language and unpublished haiku (including the Internet). Judges are paper wasp editors Jacqui Murray, John Knight and Ross Clark.

An entry fee of A$10.00 (from within Australia), A$12.00 (from New Zealand if paid in banknotes or cheques drawn on an Australian bank in Australia) or US$10.00 in cash (international entries) applies to each sheet of three haiku.

Each entry/three haiku must be clearly marked on the back of the sheet or card with the entrant’s full name, address including country and post/zip code and email address, if available and your preferred or pen name for use if selected for publication. Judging is double blind. The judges’ decision is final, no correspondence will be entered into and entries will not be returned.

Please note: The deadline is March 1 2009. Please send your entries to Katherine Samuelowicz, paper wasp, 14 Fig Tree Pocket Road, Chapel Hill, Qld 4069, Australia. Email entries will not be accepted. Results will be published in paper was 15 (2) in June 2009 and the anthology in August 2009.

For paper wasp Editors
Katherine Samuelowicz

LYNX - Open for Submissions

LYNX is an ezine developed by Jane Reichhold which publishes various short form genres of poetry. Publication is in February, June and October of each year. Submissions are currently open for the February 2009 issue and will be closing on January 1st. To view the current edition go to:

Send submissions of haiku, tanka, renga, haiku sequences, tanka sequences, sijo, sidoka, cinquain or ghazal to Werner Reichhold at . Place submissions within the body of the email, as Werner will not accept attachments.

Send submissions of haiga to Allison Millcock at . Create a subject heading that reads "LYNX Submission, your name". Attach or insert your haiga directly into the body of the email. Please use jpeg with a resolution of 72 dpi. Width should be 800 pixels or less, and height should be 800 pixels or less. The larger dimension should not be less than 600 pixels. All haiku and tanka related art forms will be considered – photo, digital art, manipulated photo, painting, sketch etc. Artwork or photography must be your own or that of someone who has agreed you may use their work. In the case of collaborations, please indicate who has created the artwork or photo and who has written the haiku or tanka.

Haiga Workshop at Kensington & Norwood Writers Group

On the evening of 26 November 2008 Allison Millcock, the haiga editor of Lynx online magazine, presented a workshop on haiga to the Kensington & Norwood Writers Group. This also attracted the attention of other haiku poets and a number of them attended the meeting.

Showing examples of her work via a PowerPoint presentation, Allison outlined various computer graphics techniques that she had used in making her images and described the ways of combining haiku with appropriate graphics. Successful combinations include link and shift (indirectly relating the text to the image), show rather than tell, and leading the eye from one point to the next. Her detailed presentation also described the use of borders and mats and the selection of appropriate fonts and signatures.

Allison distributed printed information about the techniques she used and the programs she used, which gave a valuable resource to those who attended. The handout also contains information on avenues for publication of haiga, both in print and online. Most avenues for publication of haiga in colour are in Internet magazines, because of the cost of printing in colour. It should be noted that Kensington & Norwood Writers Group regularly includes some black and white haiga, produced by members of the group, in their publication Writers on Parade.

We hope that this presentation will lead more South Australian writers of haiku to attempt work in this genre. Thank you Allison for your professional and inspiring presentation.

Allison Millcock has published a book of haiga called pausing for a moment.

Lynette Arden on behalf of Martina Taeker, HaikuOz SA representative.