
January 27, 2008

Japanese Poetry Seminar

Friendly Street Poets Inc. is starting the 2008 seminar program with a Japanese Poetry Seminar on Saturday 16th February. Published poet and SA representative of HaikuOz, Martina Taeker, will be focussing on haiku, haiku sequence, and haibun.

Many people will already be familiar with Martina's practical yet highly informative style of teaching and her ability to ensure that everyone enjoys themselves. Hopefully a yummy afternoon tea will also help the creative process along. The seminar will be held on Saturday 16th February, from 2 - 4.30 pm at the SA Writers Centre.

Following the seminar, Friendly Street Poets Inc will be running a competition in all three categories. Although the haiku section will be restricted to residents of SA, the haiku sequence and haibun sections will be open to poets from other states. More details about the competition will be released after the seminar.

For further seminar details and the booking form please visit

January 16, 2008

Renku Reckoner

Renku Reckoner is a new site which intends to facilitate the understanding of renku with a view to encouraging composition. Visit:

WHC German Winter Issue

The winter issue of WHC - German is online now.

It features haiku from: Christa Beau, Wolfgang Beutke, Gerd Börner, Claudia Brefeld, Beate Conrad, Michael Denhoff, Georg Flamm, Volker Friebel, Hubertus Thum, Klaus-Dieter Wirth and many others.

editor: Angelika Wienert (Oberhausen, Germany)

The Betty Drevniok Award 2008

Haiku Canada established this competition in memory of Betty Drevniok, Past President of the society. With the exception of members of the executive of Haiku Canada, the contest is open to everyone, including Regional Coordinators of HC.

• Haiku must be unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere.

• A flat fee of $5 Cdn (in Canada) or $5 US (for entries outside Canada) for up to 3 haiku is payable to “Haiku Canada”. Note: 3 haiku, not more.

• Submit each haiku in duplicate, typed or neatly printed on 3X5 cards; for each haiku, one card must include the author’s name, address and telephone number in the upper corner, while the other one must contain no identifying marks.

• Postmark Deadline: February 14, 2008. Note this change.

• Winners will be announced at the Annual General Meeting in May 2008. First Prize $100; Second Prize $50; Third Prize $25 for haiku. The top ten poems will be published in a Haiku Canada Sheet and distributed with the Haiku Canada Anthology.

• No entries will be returned. If you are NOT a member of Haiku Canada and wish a copy of the broadsheet with the winning haiku, include a SASE (business size, Cdn stamps) or a SAE and $1 for postage and handling.

• Send entries to The Betty Drevniok Award, c/o Ann Goldring, PO Box 97, 5 Cooks Drive, Leaskdale, Ontario, Canada L0C 1C0.

• NOTE: To shorten the time haiku are held before the May announcement of winners, and to have the year of submission of haiku the same as the year of publication, the deadline for this contest is now February 14th.

• Contest Coordinator: Ann Goldring

New Zealand Poetry Society's 2008 International Verse and Haiku Competition

This year the haiku section of the New Zealand Poetry Society's International Poetry Competition is being judged by Sandra Simpson, the only southern hemisphere writer of haiku to be featured in A New Resonance 5 (Red Moon Press). More information and entry forms are available on our website at

Members News - Jeff Harpeng

In 2007, Jeff Harpeng released a collection of haibun: Quarter Past Sometime, published by Post Pressed.

Re: the opening piece in Quarter Past Sometime, Jeffrey Woodward (Haibun Today), said, "Birdlings Flats" by Jeff Harpeng probably illustrates the expressionist method at its best. From the opening sentence, the reader discovers himself in the presence of a poet who is master of the rhythms of his language and of the possibilities of his material...

Jeff was a featured reader with Janice Bostok at the second Words and Water Dragons haiku outreach event of the 2007 Queensland Poetry Festival and read from Quarter Past Sometime as a Post Pressed reader at the Maleny Writers Festival.

For the fourth time Jeff won the Haiku section of New Zealand Poetry Society International Contest as well as placing second in the open poetry section.

Three of his haibun will appear in the 2008 British Haiku Society Haibun Anthology. A new, longer haibun "Greetings From The Afterlife" appears on Haibun Today.

Jeff has been invited to run a renga workshop at the second New Zealand Haiku Conference in April.

January 13, 2008

Kaji Aso Studio 20th Annual Haiku Contest

Kaji Aso Studio
20th Annual Haiku Contest

Deadline: April 15, 2008

First Prize: $250 Second Prize: $150 Third Prize: $50
Best Senryu: $50 Elizabeth Searle Lamb Award: $50

The entry fee is $2 per haiku or senryu. There is no limit on the number of haiku or senryu. Please pay by check payable to Kaji Aso Studio.

Please type, computer print, or neatly write your entries on two identical 3``x 5`` cards or 8 ½`` X 11`` sheets of paper. One card or letter-size sheet should have your name and address on its back.

We're looking into the possibilities of email submissions and paypal payments--more information if and when this becomes available.

Check out the winning entries and honorable mentions from previous years (along with pages of beautiful art and fascinating info about Kaji Aso Studio-- at
(go to "Events 2008" column and scroll down)

All rights will revert back to the authors after June, 2008 when winners are announced.

Send submissions to:
Haiku Contest
Kaji Aso Studio
40 St Stephen St
Boston, MA 02115

Haiku Postcards


Haijin friends worldwide, you who travel and meet places and people and languages, wherever you are, let one of your thoughts become community for us all. Look for a postcard. Handwrite on the back, in clear writing, a simple haiku. May the time you spend in finding a postcard, the time you spend in writing a haiku, sitting on a big stone, under a pine-tree, at a coffee table, be a happy time. Attach a stamp, add the date and your full signature, then send it to:

Cascina Macondo - Borgata Madonna della Rovere, 4
10020 Riva Presso Chieri - Torino - Italy


this CLICK ON link shows the haiku received so far:

We have tried to write down each haiku as closely as possible to the original text.
If there is some mistake or error this is simply due to spelling unclear, or decidedly unreadable, author.

Centro Nazionale per la Promozione della
Lettura Creativa ad Alta Voce e POETICA HAIKU
Borgata Madonna della Rovere, 4
10020 Riva Presso Chieri - Torino - Italy
tel. 011-9468397 - cell. 328 42 62 517 -

January 11, 2008

Famous Reporter delayed

For all who subscribe to Famous Reporter and those of you with haiku featured in issue #36 - the magazine will (hopefully) appear in late February this year.

New Portfolio from Ron Moss

Ron Moss, a former Secretary of Haiku Oz and Regional Rep for Tasmania, has a stunning new portfolio of haiga for viewing at
The haiku and paintings are inspired by his voluntary work as a fiery. Congratulations, Ron.

An invitation to tell us about your year

A very happy 2008 to all HaikuOz members!
Would you like to let us know about your successes and publications during 2007? We are inviting Australian haiku poets to send their news - approx 200 words per poet - for inclusion on our website. We'd love to celebrate with you.

If you have published a book or online portfolio you can list it under members' publications. Follow the format of the other entries there and send your information to with 'Haiku Oz Members News (YOUR SURNAME)' in the subject line.

We'd also like to hear about haiku happenings in your region. If there's nothing happening, why not start something? And keep the news flowing to the website throughout 2008, to help spread the enjoyment and appreciation of writing haiku in Australia.

January 02, 2008

Australian featured guest poet on Tanka Online

From January1 – July 1 2008, Beverley George will be the featured guest poet on Tanka Online, a US site which provides a great deal of useful information on techniques for writing tanka. Visit to read an interview of Beverley by Jeanne Emrich. At the end of the interview you will find links to some of Beverley's poems and to information about her tanka collection empty garden.