Robert Frost Haiku Contest
2008 English-Language Haiku Contest
Sponsor: The 14th Key West Robert Frost Poetry Festival (annual event)
Deadline: Postmark on or before March 24, 2008.
Prizes: 1st Place $100, 2nd Place $50, 3rd Place $25, and Honorable Mentions.
Judge: Editors from Modern Haiku Press.
Submissions: Previously unpublished, must contain a seasonal or nature image, 3-line format of up to 17 or fewer syllables. Two copies, typed or neatly written, with your name, address, phone and/or email on one copy only. For further information, visit
Entry fee: $10 for each 3 haiku. Make checks payable to “Robert Frost Poetry Festival.”
Send entries to: Robert Frost Haiku Contest, Heritage House, 410 Caroline Street, Key West, FL 33040 USA