
A new publication opportunity for haiku poets

A new outlet for haiku in Australia will be launched in January 2007. For thirteen years the monthly literary magazine, FreeXpresSion, published by Peter Pike (currently president of the Fellowship of Australian Writers, NSW Inc.) has comprised stories, poetry and articles from up to 400 subscribers. A haiku section is to be incorporated, and members of HaikuOz are invited to submit material, up to five unpublished haiku, not on offer elsewhere.

Please send these direct to the Haiku Editor, Quendryth Young,
([email protected])
including your postal address.
Please keep a copy of your submission. You will be notified as soon as possible regarding the acceptance of your work.

The current annual subscription rate for FreeXpresSion is $42 for twelve issues ($66 airmail overseas). For six months (6 issues) it is $25 ($36 overseas). The magazine is available by direct subscription only. Anyone whose work is accepted receives a complimentary copy on first inclusion. The address is: The Editor, FreeXpresSion, PO Box 4, West Hoxton NSW Australia 2171.

About Quendryth Young:
Quendryth is an accomplished free verse poet, who in recent years has become a serious student of haiku.

She regularly workshops this genre with two other poets, John Bird and Nathalie Buckland, in the northern rivers area of NSW, and a selection of her work is continuously on line at wollumbin haiku workshop and on John Bird’s website, haiku dreaming australia. Quendryth coordinates a group of local haiku enthusiasts, know as cloudcatchers, whose members participate regularly in ginko ( haiku walks).

Quendryth Young’s haiku have also been published in: Yellow Moon, paper wasp, Jack Stamm anthology, The Heron’s Nest (USA), Famous Reporter, the New Zealand Poetry Society’s annual journal, and Stylus.

In 2005, she won first prizes for a haiku sequence in Yellow Moon (Australia) and for a haiku in the New Zealand Poetry Society’s Haiku Awards. Another sequence was commended in the Joan Packham Poetry Prize (for open poetry) in 2005, and a haiku placed equal third in the Jack Stamm Award (Australia) in 2005/6. The Ikebana International (Lismore Chapter) incorporated Quendryth’s haiku into its 45th Birthday Celebrations in November 2005.

HaikuOz warmly endorses the appointment of Quendryth Young as haiku editor for FreeXpresSion

Beverley George