
paper wasp - A report from Ynes Sanz

The paper wasp poets continued to meet during 2006 to greet old friends and new faces at Avid Reader bookshop in Brisbane's, West End, to workshop and generally encourage each other.

2006 has been a productive year so far for paper wasp and for individual members:

The paper wasp Second Australian Haiku Anthology edited by Janice M. Bostok, Katherine Samuelowicz and Vanessa Proctor with General Editor Jacquie Murray, July 2006, is now available for $22.00 in Australia and US$22 (cash only) elsewhere, all prices including postage. It contains 172 haiku poems from 48 poets which, are, as Janice Bostok says in her foreword, "the best being written by Australians at this time."

Also out is rusted hinge - the paper wasp jack stamm haiku anthology 2005 edited by Janice Bostok, Ross Clark, John Knight and Jacquie Murray, $10.00 in Australia or US$10(cash only) elsewhere, all prices including postage. This work represents the best of international writing and reflects the richness of paper wasp's subscription list of some 120 or so poets.

As always our pleasure in the winning poem should inspire us to enter again when the next jack stamm contest 2006 opens later in the year. This time the winner was Lorin Ford:

rusted hinge
the butterfly's wings
close, open ...

Group members have not been idle either : fans of paper wasp stalwart John Knight's work will welcome the publication of his beautiful little book big man catching a small wave available from Post Pressed Publishers 207/50 Macquarie St Teneriffe, Qld 4005 Australia Ph. 61 [0]7 3254 2056 Fax 61 [0]7 3254 2067 or from at $11 post paid within Australia.

Meanwhile paper wasp member Ynes Sanz has produced a chapbook of haibun and haiku talking poetry blues at $5 from [email protected].

Visit the updated paper wasp website at and please direct all submissions, enquiries and orders to paper wasp at [email protected] or by mail to paper wasp 14 Fig Tree Pocket Road Chapel Hill Queensland Australia 4069.