
January 31, 2015

Cloudcatchers Ginko No.36

Ginko No.36 (summer)

Lake Ainsworth, Lennox Head NSW
Thursday 29 January 2015

Cloudcatchers gathered at Lake Ainsworth, Lennox Head, for a summer ginko on Thursday 29 January. This venue is north of Ballina, with the surf on one side of the road, and the tea-tree-girdled fresh water lake on the other.

One of our members had researched further into the history, so we learnt of the original ownership of this land as that of the Jali people of the Bundjalung Nation, and somehow this added to our respect for all those who have trodden these sands and marvelled over the centuries at the spiritual sanctity of this place, with its special regard to 'women's business'. Joining us was our member, founder and patron, John Bird, who contributed with his usual humour and a great deal of wisdom. We lunched afterwards at the local Japanese restaurant, where most of us had miso soup and chose from a large variety of sushi. After cold wet conditions the previous day, the weather was perfect, our spirits were high, and each participant came away with about a dozen worthy haiku. Now for the round robin … time-consuming, but we love it. Looking forward to the autumn ginko after Easter, after school goes back, on Thursday 23 April.

Quendryth Young

January 28, 2015

FreeXpresSion Haiku Competition 2015 - reminder

The FreeXpresSion haiku competition closes on 28 February 2015. First Prize is $125 for the best single haiku, 2nd Prize $100.00, 3rd Prize $75.00. A copy of the entry form can be found below.

A. Short Story: Open Theme up to 2,500 words
B. Traditional Rhyming Poetry: Open Theme up to 120 lines
C. Free Verse: Open Theme up to 120 lines
1st prize $250.00 ~ 2nd Prize $100.00 in A, B & C categories
D. Article/Essay: Open Theme 1,500 to 2,000 words 1st prize $100.00 for the best article
E. Haiku: Open Theme. One page of four represents 1 entry 1st prize $125.00 2nd prize $100.00 3rd Prize $75
HC and Commended Certificates will also be awarded in all categories if warranted.

Closing Date 28 February 2015

 Entries should be submitted in English, using one side of A4 paper, typed double spaced, using generous margins.
 No names or addresses to appear on manuscripts. Such entries will be disqualified. Author’s name and address must be on the signed Entry Form only. The Entry Form may be photocopied. The Title (only) of entry should appear on each page of the manuscript.
 Entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not have won a cash prize in any other competition, nor been published prior to the closing date.
 Entry fee $5.00 per entry ($25 for 6 entries) and cheques etc should be made payable to FreeXpresSion. Multiple entries may be paid with one cheque or money order.
 Copyright remains with the author; however, FreeXpresSion will publish the winning Haiku entry and all placed entries in the magazine and would like the opportunity to publish suitable entries from the other categories in the FreeXpresSion Magazine and in any subsequent anthology, subject to the author’s express permission. Results will be published in the May issue of FreeXpresSion.
 Entries will not be returned and will be destroyed after the announcement of results; so please keep copies for your records.
 The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. Please include a SSAE with your entry if you require the Results and Judges’ comments.
 Submission of an entry in this competition will be deemed to be an acceptance of and agreement to these conditions. Entries failing to meet these conditions will not be judged and entry fees will not be returned.
 Overseas entrants can use PayPal to lodge entry fee using email address [email protected]

2015 Entry Form

Please fill in the areas below and mail this Entry Form together with your manuscript(s) and cheque/money order to: FreeXpresSion, PO Box 4, West Hoxton, NSW 2171

Name(Please Print) …………………………………………




No. of Entries…………………. Enclosed please find my cheque/money order for the sum of $……… or I have
arranged payment direct using Paypal tick box.

Please indicate the category in the first column with the title of the entry in the second column.

Category Title


Entry Fee $5 per entry or $25 for six entries This entry form can be photocopied.

Thank you for your support

January 26, 2015

Submissions due by March 1 for Snapshot Press Book Awards 2015

Submissions of unpublished collections of haiku, tanka, other short poems and haibun (or any combination of these) are invited to The Snapshot Press Book Awards 2015.

The last date for submitting manuscripts is Sunday, March 1.

The entry requirements have been considerably simplified from previous years – please see the guidelines for details:

Results will be announced on April 30.

John Barlow
Publisher, Snapshot Press

Kokako submissions deadline February 1

Kokako is New Zealand’s only journal dedicated to haiku and other related forms – it is published twice a year.

Submissions are still open for its April edition: deadline – February 1.

Contributors are welcome to offer haiku, senryu, tanka, renga, haibun and reviews – preferably by email – with only one submission per contributor per issue, comprising no more than 8 poems/ pieces.

Submissions should be inserted into the body of an email (not added as an attachment) and sent to editors Patricia Prime and Margaret Beverland at:

[email protected]

With SASE/ IRC included, contributions could also be mailed to:

Patricia Prime, 42 Flanshaw Rd, Te Atatu South, Auckland 0610, New Zealand

Haibun should be no more than 400 words in length.

Reviews should be no longer than 600 words, including the title of the work reviewed, plus publication details and the text of quoted poems.

All work offered must be original and not previously published – no simultaneous submissions will be accepted.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made after the closing date.

Snapshot Press Haiku Calendar Competition – entries due January 31

Entries for the next round of The Snapshot Press Haiku Calendar Competition close on Saturday, January 31.

Haiku entries may be sent by email or by post – these must be emailed or postmarked by that date.

Prizes totalling £360/US$600 are on offer.

52 haiku will be selected for inclusion in The Haiku Calendar 2016.

Both unpublished and previously published haiku are eligible for entry.

Please see the entry guidelines for details:

Copies of the 2015 calendar are still available, so if you would like one, please order soon.

Details are available at

Now in its 17th year, this contest and the resultant calendar are both essential fundraisers for Snapshot Press, so any support would be greatly appreciated.

John Barlow
Publisher, Snapshot Press

paper wasp autumn 2015 edition - submission deadline February 1

After a year of special issues in 2014, which culminated in a wonderful summer edition of Australian themed haiku in December, paper wasp is now back to its usual format and is accepting haiku and haiku-related forms for publication in 2015.

The deadline for the Southern Hemisphere Autumn (March) issue is February 1.

Submissions should be sent to Katherine Samuelowicz at:
Email: [email protected]
Postal: paper wasp, 14 Fig Tree Pocket Rd, Chapel Hill, QLD 4069, Australia.

Jacqui Murray

The With Words Summer Haiku Competition

Haiku poets are invited to submit haiku on the theme of Summer.

Deadline: Sunday 15th February, 2015 (by midnight in all time zones).

All competition details that you will need – with links – can be found at:

All approaches to haiku writing are acceptable for submission.
Both previously published haiku, and unpublished haiku, are each acceptable for entry in this competition.
This contest will have a companion anthology entitled The With Words Haiku Book of Summer.

Haiku Prizes:

a) 1st prize £75
b) 2nd prize £50
c) The With Words Summer Haiku Prize for Best Unpublished Work £25 *
*This additional £25 will be added to the £75 or £50 prize money on offer, if either 1st Place or 2nd Place happens to be taken by a haiku which was previously unpublished.
There will also be awards made for Highly Commended and Commended haiku.


Entry fees can be sent in your own currency via Paypal, which also allows for a bank card transaction, if you don't have a Paypal account.
You can send up to 50 haiku (published and/or unpublished) for £10; or 12 haiku for £5; or 2 haiku for £1.

Entry details for haiku competition:

Please start the subject line of your submission email with the words Summer Haiku.
Include the Paypal Transaction ID number with your haiku entries.
Email entries to: [email protected]

Extra competition - Writers Notes: Free to enter

On the Area 17 blog (see accompanying links), you will also find details about author commentaries. These are free to enter. You can win an extra prize in this category, while also appearing in The With Words Haiku Book of Summer.

Judge: Alan Summers, With Words

For further details, see:

January 01, 2015

HaikuOz items posted during December

The following items were posted on the HaikuOz website during December and can be accessed at

A Hundred Gourds 4:1 release
Bowerbird Tanka Workshop # 12 – 23rd November 2014
Report on Bindii Meeting 6 December 2014
FreeXpresSion Haiku Competition 2015
8th European Quarterly Kukai Winter Edition 2014
Submissions welcome for next issue of “tinywords”
IHS International Haiku Competition Results 2014

Members of the Australian Haiku Society – and other readers of HaikuOz – are reminded that you are welcome to submit items relevant to the haiku community, both here and overseas, especially in relation to:

• haiku competitions and opportunities for publication;
• news of success in haiku writing enjoyed by Australian haiku poets; and
• reports about meetings of haiku groups in various states/ territories across this country.

Meanwhile, best wishes for a happy New Year to all lovers of haiku, both around Australia and internationally,

Rodney Williams

Australian Haiku Society
[email protected]