
The Seashell Game 2011

Hearty congratulations to Ron Moss in Tasmania, winner of The Seashell Game 2011, a unique form of contest in which you can nominate the poems of other writers, rather than entering your own, for his eloquent haiku:

starry night …
what’s left of my life
is enough

Shiki Internet Kukai, 1st Place December 2006 and then the Shiki Internet Kukai 5th Annual Poets’ Choice,1st Place 2007. It appeared in several Anthologies until it was published again as a Haiga in the haiku pages, FreeXpresSion 2010.

Ron explains:

This haiku comes from a time when I was fighting a long running bushfire in southern Tasmania. I was about to retire for a well-earned sleep when I looked at the night sky and a feeling of oneness and expansiveness came over me. It felt like everything was alright just as it was, and the danger that we were facing as fire-fighters would pass . . . as all things do in their own time. This haiku will always be special to me, and it continues to enlighten me in different ways. I’m deeply honoured that this little poem has found its way through the voting process, and that I’m in very good company with Janice Bostok, who was a previous winner of the prestigious Seashell Game.

Ron Moss